
Going for a interview in the army

by Guest63145  |  earlier

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does anyone know what they will ask? when i go for an interview in the army.what i should expect. i understand about my apperance just havint a clue what they will say/ask. and a good reason why i want to be in the army?, all i come up with so far is i enjoy challenges pushing myself to the limit, dats about it . i get nervous if i feel like am under to much pressure lol.. thanks in advance




  1. all you have to do is say what you have to say. i myself have been under your pressure so i do understand

  2. just be yourself and before you sign anything make sure that everything that they promise you is in writing.

    Good Luck!

  3. once you sit down with a recruiter you will be asked if you have any medical problems , any law violations, and if you have graduated high school or got your GED. After those important questions they will try to find out what stuff you like to do and what job you might want in the Army. If you have never take the ASVAB before (the entrance test) then they will set you up on a practice test (usually takes 20 min) and see how you do on that. Once they see what kind of scorce you will get they will either let you know that you need to study for the test or they will continue on with the interview if you got a good score. They should show you some job videos that might help you decided what you might want to do. Also they will let you know what the Army has to offer you as far as college money and everything.

  4. Geeze, dude, don't worry.  If you aren't a convicted felon, you'll be a shoe-in, and they'll probably pay you $20,000 to enlist.  

    If you ARE a convicted felon, you'll need to get a waiver, which is easy these days.

  5. A good rule of thumb is "Never Offer Any Information!!!"  By that I mean never volunteer any info you are not specifically asked for.  It's not really a normal job interview because the guy or gal really wants you to enlist!  His/her own efficiency report and possibly promotions depends on whether or not he/she meets their 'objective' for a month or quarter.  They will ask you what you are looking for, what you would like to do in the Army and what your skills are.  It's really no big deal.  Just keep in mind that they need you more than you need them.  If you feel the one you are talking to is not giving you good answers then go to another recruiting office and talk to a recruiter there, most cities have more than one office.  Good luck to you and remember, volunteer nothing unless you are asked.

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