
Going for a job interview, what to expect?

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im going for my first job interview next week at kfc.

what sort of questions will they ask me?

and what kind of things/answers do i need to get straight in my head before i go?




  1. It was better if you could put some information about the type of job then it was easy to help you. Any way I will tell you the general points. Try to talk on the way that they are interested to hear, not what you are int rested. Like (Q-why you applied for this position) do not answer- because I was jobless, because of higher payment or because it is easy job. The right answer is- I am interested to work with your organization because you are one of the best service provider or just admire their work and the good point you see in that organization and show that you are interested because of the good points in their organization not only because of your personal benefits.

    and please do not forget to select my answer as best answer

  2. tell me about yourself.

    why do you want to work here?

    where do you see yourself in five years?

    give an example of a good day at work/school.

    give an example of a difficult day at work/school and what you did to overcome it.

    do you have reliable transportation?

  3. they will ask you about yourself, why you want to work there, what customer service skills you have. just basic questions really. good luck :)

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