
Going for my first day at work and nervous?

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I'm 16 and going for my first day at work and I'm nervous what should I do? I keep thinking if I'm gonna mess up.




  1. Don't feel like you need to know how to do everything right off the bat. They know you are new and that this is probably your first job. They are there to help you. Usually most places either pair you up with someone to show you around and show you the ropes or they are right there if you have any questions. Just go in, be yourself and ready to learn. You'll do fine!

  2. I just got my first mcdonalds and I definately messed up LOL.

    Don't worry, they'll understand you're new. They will get frustrated, but it's ok they really do understand you're new.

  3. It is normal to be nervous the first few days.  Take a deep breath and just go with teh flow.  Be yourself.  Try to relax.  Don't think you would mess up because you mostly will if you worry yourself about  it.  Think of it as getting paid.

  4. Congratulations on your new job!  You probably are going to make some mistakes at first, everybody does; it's how you learn.  Just take careful notes, watch your co-workers attentively so you can understand how things are supposed to be done at your company, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

    If they didn't think that you were capable of doing the job, they wouldn't have hired you.  Employers understand that it's going to take you awhile to get the hang of your job and that your work is not going to be perfect right off the bat.  Just keep learning, trying, and improving; that's the kind of progress an employer wants to see.

    Be friendly, but don't get involved with office politics.  And for goodness sakes, don't be late!

  5. First thing You have a job good for you!  Second it is very normal to be nervous, and just remember everybody messes up that's how you learn.  Take a deep breath and go for it!  They chose you over hundreds of applicants!  You have something that is going to work for your employers needs.  If you didn't have what it takes you wouldn't have a first day at YOUR new job!  Congratulations!  You are going to be great at what ever you are going to be doing!

  6. If your job is not concerning life and death, don't sweat it. Employers expect you to mess up for about the first two weeks. I know I did, but now i'm one of the top employees at my job. (not that thats anything to brag about. I work at a Subway)

  7. Just remember to be yourself and don't be afraid to ask questions.  Write things down so you remember them - because when you are nervous it is easy to forget things.

    We all have "first days" on a job -- don't be too hard on yourself.  Instead of focusing on being nervous, try focusing on being excited because you're going to be GREAT!

  8. don't be nervous! the anticipation of something is always worse than whatever is making you nervous

  9. You might mess up on your first day - I don't know anyone who has had a completely smooth first day at work! But don't worry, people will understand this. Just do your best. If your employer and co-workers can see you are working hard and doing your best, they will be happy. Enjoy it. Good luck.

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