
Going from a small private school to a big public school?

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I'm going from a tiny private school that I went to from 1st grade to 8th, to a big public school, and freshmen orientation is tomorrow. In 8th grade, my whole grade had 19 kids in it, with around 10 or 11 kids in every class. And at the high school, there are like around 1,200 kids. And I'm like, pretty d**n terrified.

But the main things I'm worried about are:

~How do you like, make friends? Where should I sit at lunch?

~Do people bring like their bags to class? books for the first couple of classes?

~What should I do in classes? Take notes..?

~What should I bring for PE?

~Where should I sit on the bus? Front, middle, back..? alone?

and really just what do you do at orientation? all freshmen meet at like the gym and like get greeted by the principal and stuff but after that we have classes. =/




  1. First off, don't stress out so much! Big high schools are not nearly as scary as they seem. I'm in a school with around 2,000 students, & it's perfectly fine.

    1. For making friends, it's pretty easy to start off by complimenting someone on their clothes or jewelry or something to get a conversation started! You can even talk about the class a bit. Most importantly (i know you've heard this :P) be yourself! Honestly, it works :)

    2.In my schoool we were allowed to bring purse like bags into class with us, not backpacks. that'll all depend on your school.

    3.In classes, especially on the first day, you probably won't do much. If you feel like you should take notes (they'll probably go over what you'll learn), then do it, if you don't you'll be fine. It's not that different from the school you were in before.

    4. again, that depends on your school. Most importantly though, bring tennis shoes, an old tshirt you can sweat in, shorts & deodorant. They're the basics.

    5.You should sit wherever you feel comfortable! This is a great way to make friends too, if you ask someone who looks nice if you can sit by them.

    Orientation is basically just to tell you what is going to happen this year. They'll welcome you to the school & try to make you feel a bit less nervous. You'll be fine! & remember, have fun, you'll only have about 4 years in this school! Enjoy them!

    Good luck :)

  2. ~How do you like, make friends? Where should I sit at lunch? You just say hello to friendly-looking people, and just be nice to everyone. People will notice you, and it's not hard. Don't worry. Sit wherever you want, with your friends (once you get them) or before then, with some person you want to know.

    ~Do people bring like their bags to class? books for the first couple of classes? You bring the books you need for that class, but not your backpack.

    ~What should I do in classes? Take notes..? Study, do the work they give you.. and take notes on things you think you'll need to remember.

    ~What should I bring for PE? Uniform (if you have one) deodorant and that's about it. They should tell you.

    ~Where should I sit on the bus? Front, middle, back..? alone? It doesn't matter where physically you sit. In my school, for some reason all the ___ssholes sit in the back, haha.. but sit with your friends, or people you're getting to know.

    and really just what do you do at orientation? all freshmen meet at like the gym and like get greeted by the principal and stuff but after that we have classes. =/ It's just to get you used to the layout of the school. Everyone will be a little freaked out, since it's high school.. This way you can learn where all your classes and everything are.. It'll help, alot.  

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