
Going from active duty Marines to a civilian Army job

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My husband has just a little over 3 1/2 years active duty marines and gets out in jan. 2010 and we are looking to move back to oklahoma to where we are from. his MOS is aviation electronics and we have found out that he can get a job working at tinker base for the army doing the same job. it pays really well but i have a few questions about going from active duty to a cilvian job for the military like: do you still have access to the px? would we still be covered by tricare? will he still deploy and if so will it be longer or shorter than a regular 6-7 month marine deployment?

i just want to be educated on our options before we really sit down and make a decision.

thanks in advance for the help!




  1. I don't know about the other stuff, but he wouldn't get deployed.

  2. As a civilian, he won't have access to the px or be eligible for tricare. On the bright side, though, he won't get deployed.

    His increased pay should more than make up for the loss of px benefits and I'm quite sure that his new civilian job will include family medical coverage.

    Please tell him Semper Fi from an old squid and thank him for his service for me.

  3. My answers are based on the assumption it is a GS position and not a private company contractor position.

    No tircare but you will get the federal healthcare (same as the us postal workers)

    You will get the TSP but with a goverment match (better than the military option)

    PX/Commissary I am not sure about. I have seen govt workers in there shopping but I don't know what agency they worked for.

    Deployments can only be answered by the hiring office. If he does travel he gets a per diem though.

    Also, time in civil service combines with time in the military for retirement, etc. IE. 5 years military and 10 years civil servant equals 15 years seniority as a civil servant.

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