
Going from one city to another without a car...?

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I go back and forth between my city and my boyfriend's. It's an hour-and-a-half-long trip in a car. What are some alternatives to driving? (Other than a Greyhound Bus, because I've heard bad things about them.)

(It's in Kentucky, between Louisville and Lexington, if that helps any.)




  1. Buy a motorcycle.  40 to 75 mi/gallon.

  2. train

  3. hitching a ride, bus isnt bad sometimes takes awhile if there are many stops

  4. What have you heard about the buses?  Don't believe everything you hear; try it out once and see it for yourself.  You may be missing out on a good opportunity.

    I don't know if Louisville and Lexington have Amtrak, but you can find out.

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