
Going green. I recently purchased several canvas bags for grocery shopping and so forth but...?

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I find myself missing the store grocery bags to clean up the cat litter boxes, line bathroom garbage cans and collect daily recyclables. Any suggestions on how to deal with these issues? Thanks.




  1. Use cat ltter liners. They are somewhat costly so I buy the smallest trash bags that would fit into a trash masher. Generally four by four feet. Use the cat litter bag when it is empty.

  2. take your cold stuff or leaky stuff in plastic.  there is a cat litter out there "feline pine" that can actually be used as mulch one the "solids" are removed.  I stopped using trashcan liners in the bathrrom and clean out the catbox and trashcans just as I am taking out the trash anyway, so it all goes in the "big" bag

  3. sure, just use the same bag to go shopping, that you clean the kittie litter with. whats so hard about that? now, that what i call going green.

  4. I usually get one or two bags when I shop - I use them for garbage bags. I figure its better than buying bags for the garbage (therefore they are only used once) and yet I'm still reducing my consumption by using the cloth / canvas bags for most of the groceries. There's no perfect answers, just do what you can.

  5. Keep using the plastic grocery  bags.LOL.

  6. you can use the smaller bags that you get when you buy fruits and veges.. or still accept 1-2 plastic bags...

    as far as cat litter goes.. when you feed a better food - you actually have less waste..

    (better foods dont use filler - corn is a filler.. cats are carnivours.. by-products are a filler.. beaks feet feathers)

    if you want a good cat food - post in pets and indicate what country you are in - you will get some bad answers and some good ones (I hope) but also you can read lables yourself

    as a rule food from grocery or Wal Mart isnt good..

  7. cat litter liners

  8. For a similar reason I did not purchase the canvas bags but as a suggestion maybe you can do half and half....only bring about half the canvas bags you think you'll need and the other half of the groceries can be put into the store grocery bags.

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