
Going green and school?

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ive been wondering how could I raise green and environmental awreness around my school?




  1. go to people in authority. like teachers, principal etc. tell them to find posters, make clubs, have events,(poster contest).. These things will all spread awareness. You can also tell friends , and eventually every1 will know about going green. Sure not every1 will agree but you will still be spreading the environmental idea.

  2. if you have a newspaper at your school, you can ask if you can put in an ad about it.

    start a going green club. clean up parks, the school, beaches/oceans, and the streets.

    put up posters [on recycled paper]

    and tell EVERYONE about it. if they say thats silly or whatever, just say well im sorry for wanting to be healthier and actually have clean air to breathe. if you want to live in a global waste dump, be my guest. but i, however, choose not to. [sorry if that overdramatic but sometimes its the only way to get it throught peoples heads]

  3. I don't know where you are from - but there are many programs out there.  Ask your local environment center. The hardest part often is getting enough people on the 'band wagon'. If the kids recycle in the classroom - then see the janitor dump both bins into the same dumpster - the point is lost.  As well if the other teachers don't, or principal, etc.  Good Luck! There are MANY great programs out there as examples and they are grateful to share. Making contests between classes and schools is a good way to start - who can recycle the most or throw away the least. Gardening clubs can also help. The EPA is also doing a push for 'back yard habitat' certifications.

  4. start a show with people in drama class about GOING GREEn and show around the school yard =) during lunch times

    have posters out -- but use recyclable papers =)

  5. Check out this site called "Cool Schools Challenge":

    Awesome stuff!  It's based in the Puget Sound area (Seattle, WA) but totally open to a national/international school!

    You can call the contacts directly to learn more.  I know them and they are totally helpful.

  6. Do you have an environmental club? Try and start that or join it. Since Earth day is coming up, make your school have an Earth week that week! Start projects, get funds to grow an organic garden or a beautiful native landscape!

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