
Going in for Ultrasound on Tuesday to find out s*x of baby??

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Ok So Tuesday i'm going in for an Ultrasound and we want to know the s*x of the baby.. I know the lady said to have a full bladder and at least 32oz of water an hour before and not to pee. But is there any other advice.. this might be our only chance to find out the s*x of our baby because we are military and I don't know if they will do a second ultrasound. My husband and I really want to know the s*x because we move to Hawaii b4 the baby's born and want to be able to buy as much as we can since everything is so expensive over there. I've heard something with caffeine helps??




  1. Drink at least 3 glasses of water before you go. If they feel your bladder is too full, they'll have you empty some of it out.

    Hoping for the best!

  2. I'm not sure but  I send you lots of legs open vides!!

  3. Anything you eat will help wake the baby up. Most places don't require you to drink water anymore so that's a little odd. I will say though when I went to the base Hospital they were a little behind the times with equipment and that was like 7 years ago. Congrats & Good Luck!

  4. Yuck I hated having to do the US with a full bladder. I only had to do that with my oldest. My last one and this one I didn't have too. If you can't tell on this one, you can always atleast ask for a repeat to find out the s*x. how far along are you?  

  5. Not sure why they would say have a full bladder.  Every tech i talked to said that after about 12 wks a full bladder makes it harder to really get a good ultrasound and is not necessary because the fluid around the baby is enough for the ultrasound to work.  The best time to see the s*x is after 18 weeks.  Drinking a cold drink, Orange Juice or eating a candybar or drinking a pop has been knowing to help move baby around for some woman so you can try to get a view.  Unless those legs are wide open though you won't know for sure.  Good luck.  

  6. just drink 2-3 glasses of liquid before you juice will make it move around more too ive noticed.when i went last week my mom went with me and she was literally pouring mt.dew down my throat cuz thats what she was drinking & by the time i went in he was doing head stands lol

  7. Just hope the baby will cooperate!

    Good luck!

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