
Going in for a cerclage tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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I am going in to have a cerclage tomorrow. (Having my cervix sewn up so I do not dilate early.) And I am terrified! It sounds silly I know. I just do not know how I will do being put completely under anesthesia. Then there are the possible after effects of the procedure. I am just looking for a little encouragement and support. My husband does not seem to understand why I am so worried about it, so he is not very supportive.





  1. I had my cerclage done at 15 weeks and they gave me the option of giving me a spinal or putting me under with anesthesia. I chose to be put under b/c in the case of pregnancy they don't put you completely out. You don't have a breathing tube in but they put something in your airway to keep it open. The medicine they use is completely safe for your baby and they will repeatedly monitor your baby throughout your entire time there. I have had 6 surgeries and this was the best one by far. It was painless and I was up and about the next day. I am now 19 weeks and my baby is doing fine. No signs of premature labor. I know everything will go just fine for you and your little one. Let us know what happens....

  2. He doesn't understand simply because he doesn't have a cervix. He is not to blame. I understand how frustrating that must be though. Maybe a sister or female cousin can go with you to give you female support.

    Just tell him, he doesn't have to understand, but he should play along like he does and it will simply make it easier for you and make you feel better.

    I tell my fiance all the time that he doesn't have to understand me but when I am asking for love or encouragement, faking it sincerely goes a LONG way. He now knows the drill and we both get what we need out of it... he gets me not fussing at him for being an inconsiderate nincompoop :-)

  3. I had mine put in @ 15 weeks and yes I was terrified as well....because ANYTHING can happen....but just pray...hope for the best....and thats all you can do. But I will say it was a very simple easy procedure.

    I went in....they rolled me in about hr later...gave me a spinal...i was numb halfway down....they put my legs in the stirrups...spread eagle lol.......then about 10 mins or earlier he was like....we are all done....and then they rolled me back into my room where i had to weight almost 4 hrs to get the feelings totally back in my they made me get up to pee and once i did that...they sent me home with some pain meds. it was so simple mommy....i thought it was going to be painful afterwards....the ONLY thing that hurt was the spot where they gave me the spinal. seriously you have nothing to be worried about....but he did put me on pelvic rest...which of course means NO s*x till the baby is born......which sucks...but it is so going to be so worth it. congrats....dont be worried.

  4. I have not had one.  I am a little suprised that it is under general anesthesia.  I am familiar with regional ones.  Are you already dilated?  It sounds like not, which is better.  The success rate is 90 percent.  Those that I know who have had them stayed in the hospital for a few hours but not overnight.  I know it is pretty scary in your situation, but is the best option to prevent early dilation.  I have had a few amnio's and that is pretty scary too.  I have delivered under an emergency c-section where I received general anesthesia.  I was really groggy afterwards for several hours.  I found the general anesthesia less scary than an epidural.

  5. Just had 2 weeks back.. My second one...

    During my first time they gave anesthesia on my back.. I found it very painful.. so this time I opted for general anesthesia.. I glad I did that..

    It is just 20 to 30 minutes procedure.. this time they treated me like out patient, by evening I was home..Last time I was hospitalized..

    You can spot for few days.. take at least one week complete bed rest.. this time important that is when you heal.. don't pick up heavy things..

    Looking at your situation Doc suggest what kind of bed rest you need.. my first one was total bed rest..

    Let me warn you cerclage also have its minus points.. sometime even small mistake of Doc you can suffer raptured Membrane and lose the whole pregnancy.. so before hand talk to Doc (they wl warn you of course)

    Don't forget to ask antibiotics as you wl have foreign body inside don't want to get infected..

    All the very best

  6. I have never had one, but a friend of mine did. She said that it is not painful and that they might keep you in the hospital for a day or so. A little bit of spotting after the procedure is normal. I know that it sounds really scary, but according to her at least the anticipation is the worst part :-)

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