
Going in for a t******e exam?

by  |  earlier

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ive noticed a small bump on one of my testicles. im going in to get it checked. i was wondering, during these exams, do the docs also check your p***s as well? this would make me nervous. it will embarrass me more if i get an erection. any advice?? please!!




  1. More than likely he will just check your testicles, but he might check your p***s for bumps, but most likely not. Being nervous will keep your from getting an erection, so don't fret/worry!

  2. No they usually don't examine your p***s when checking your testicles, unless they see something wrong with it. But don't worry about most doctors have seen this happen before, so if it rises to the occasion don't be embarrassed.

  3. Nope they just check your testicles.

    If they do its for medical reasons or they notice something.

    Also dont worry if you do get erection your not the first person it ever happen to. I beat they have seen worse.

    Hope every thing turns out well.

  4. Don't worry about the t******e exam.

    It is a completely routine exam and the doctor

    is only there to make sure your ok.

    The doctor might have to check your p***s

    for lumps as well but don't be embarrassed

    because he/she is a professional and truly

    have your best interests at heart.

    If you happen to get an erection during the exam

    it's ok, it is completely normal.

    I truly hope that the lump turns out to be

    nothing to worry about, and you will be ok.

    Take care.  

  5. The doctor can't examine your testicles unless he (or she) sees your p***s.

    Don't be shy. They aren't gonna look at you other than for medical purposes.

    Unless you have interesting tattoos all over your p***s, then make light of it.  

  6. Dude don't worry! He/she will just check your testicles and then you p***s its no big deal! People get erections all the time, I did!

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