
Going off to Rome!?

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I'm going on a school trip to Rome soon and I was wondering what Italian phrases I might know and what clothes must be worn in the Vatican? and how long the flight from England (Bristol) to Ciampino airport will be?

basically give me the basic info about Rome except for where to go.. we've sorted that!




  1. Italian phrases: here’s a Web site

    My tip, just  learn to say  Ã¢Â€Âœciao” (hello/goodbye), grazie (thanks) and prego (please), then pick words up as you go along. Nearly everybody talks English (or Itanglish).

    Clothes at the Vatican: decent, long sleeves, as for the rest please yourself, but keep them light, we’re having a heat wave at the moment and it’s going to get worse.

    You’ve probably booked on Easyjet, which takes off every day at 13.25 except Saturday (12.50 departure) and arrives in Rome Ciampino at 16.55 local time (an hour difference to UK), then at 17.25 (except Saturday 16.50 departure) and lands at 19.05 . Flight duration 2 hours and 40 minutes (Italy is an hour later than the UK).

    Rome’s a fantastic old town, with so much to see you really won’t know where to begin. Take it easy, be choosy, it’s better to see a few things properly than  everything superficially. Priorities: Piazza di Spagna (Spanish steps - full of fun even in the heat), Piazza Navona (for a super ice cream and a look at  one of the most beautiful fountains), Fontana di Trevi (the most beautiful fountain where you just must throw your coin in), the Forum (awesome) and then choose some of the side streets near the Vatican (cute). Shopping is also exciting but watch your purse (Balkan gypsy kids). If you're interested in one of the original "Art" hide outs go to via Margutta (groovy, next to Piazza di Spagna) and via dei Coronari (Art merchants, also the "Arciliuto bar" Raffaello's old atelier).  Best look out: Il Pincio (Piazza del Popolo) or il Gianicolo (near the Vatican) or i Cavalieri di Malta (Aventine hill - you see St. Peter's through a key hole in the Park door). Best Coffee - Tazza d'oro and St. Eustacchio (Pantheon), best bars Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina (one of the oldest churches - Roman times, just behind the Parliament building - near via del Corso). Had an office nearby, in front of the tomb of Augustus, if you've time, go see the Ara (his family history in marble). Best shopping: just next door in via del Corso, via Condotti and via Frattina - window shopping is just as fun, no need to buy. Rome is a huge agglomeration of small villages, each one with it's own people and habits. It grows on you, so don't hurry, you'll always be able to come back one day.

    Traffic is chaotic but smart. Don't cross roads running, but be very very decisive (no dithering - the drivers will dodge you and zebra crossings are just for decoration). Roman's are very helpful don't hesitate to ask. They'll enjoy testing their Itanglish and are used to tourists and pilgrims.

    Been living here over 25 years and I still don’t tire of having a walk round, of the odd cappucino, and amarena.

  2. Here are some phrase websites:

    Appropriate clothes for the Vatican:

    Your shoulders MUST be covered. It's very hot, so just wear a shirt with short sleeves that day. If you wear shorts, they must be at least to your knees; same with skirts.

    Trip from Bristol to Ciampino:

    It will probably take about 3.5 hrs. That's a guess though.

    Tips for Rome:

    Don't walk alone at night.

    Try to speak Italian - we appreciate it.

    Eat gelato.

    Drink an espresso at a cafe.

    Do touristy stuff & don't be embarrassed by it.

    Go to a club [if you can].

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