
Going off to college and im looking to start a side business with my cousin. Any profitable ideas?

by  |  earlier

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Going off to college and im looking to start a side business with my cousin. Any profitable ideas?




  1. are you wanting to build something from the ground up? do you know what industry?

  2. Im in college and ive been involved with online marketing for some years. I run a couple of business. There also legitimate and inexpensive. Just email me or go to my profile.

  3. SFI Marketing is what you need to Join.  It is free to join and once you do there are invaluable resources at your fingertips.

    This is an avenue to get going, but there are so many opportunities and starting in College is perfect because of the amount of people and people aren't tied dow.  Please contact me and I'll be glad to walk you through getting started.

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