
Going on Vacation and Guinea Pigs have to stay with a friend?

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My family and I... including my three basset hounds, are leaving Sunday for a five day vacation, and, obviously, my two Guinea Pigs cannot go with us. I have made arrangments for a friend to watch them, but I will have to bring them (and their huge C & C cages) to her house... which is an hour away. I know that piggies tend to get nervous in vehicles, and I was wondering if their were any tricks to making them more comfortable on the trip... they will remain in their cages during the trip (we have taken the seats out of our mini-van) so they will be in their homes, but I do not want to stress them out to much?




  1. I don't think they will get too scared as long as they're in familiar surroundings. If they do, bring a blanket with and hold them in the blanket to make them feel more secure.

    Good Luck and have fun on your trip!

  2. trying to drive extra slowly will help.  Not so much as the whole speed thing, but the smoothness of the ride.  Try to cover the windows so they won't see rushing scenery, this might make them dizzy.  It'll also keep the sun from beating down on them too much.  You can easily take a hanger and put a big T-shirt on it and hang it from the little hand grips above the windows if you don't have anything else.  Try to avoid having the AC on too high, the windows down, and loud music.  Other than that, there's not much else you can do other than sit back and wait the ride out.

  3. just keep them a  normal size cage. theyll do just fine there. the c&c cage will move to much in a vehicle.

    good luck.

  4. hmmm, have your piggies' cages strapped down REALLLY tight to the seat belt buckles, so their cage cant move.

    hope i helped.

    check this site:::

  5. Put a sheet over their cage. If they can't see what is going on, they usually stay calm. Mine were jumping around like crazy one day in the car and I put a cover over the cage and they were fine until we got to our destination.

  6. give them a little extra hay or straw and cover the cages with some towels

    and drive carefully!

  7. Well first of all give them lots of dry food, hay, veggies, and water in the house. If they have a little igloo of something put that in with them.... Put a very thin sheet over the cage and it will keep them really warm and comfortable... Also don't put them near air vents.... They are prone to respitory infections... They will be very comfty... Just ensure they are...

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