
Going on a camping/float trip. Ideas for food that doesn't require cooking?

by Guest62374  |  earlier

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Going on a camping/float trip. Ideas for food that doesn't require cooking?




  1. well, you could pre-prepare stuff such as

    -fruit kabobs

    -bring along some sandwhich meat and bread

    -(for breakfast) boxes of cereal+ mini-milk cartons

    -SANDWHICHES are the best idea, because, if you want pb+j, just bring along the pb+j, the same if you want ham or turkey

  2. Pre-grill some chicken and toss into a salad and keep the oil dressing separate till you need it.

    Peanut butter wraps. Tuna/tomato sandwiches.

    Pasta salad (with no mayo) use Olive oil and spices to flavour it up.

  3. beef jerky mm mm good - apples - trail mix (dried nuts and fruits in a bag) - use wraps instead of bread it takes up less space and you don't have to worry about it getting smashed when you pack it.

  4. Tuna fish in easy open packets and crackers. You can flavor it however and they don't need refridgeration and if you don't use it this time, they'll keep for your next trip!

  5. I went camping not so long ago and i found brioche to be very useful. It tastes good, its light and its full of carbohydrates. Just remember that its best not to take tinned stuff because it can get very heavy :O

    have fun

  6. Granola, dried fruit and dates...  All of these are light weight, and have a lot of nutrition.  An Arabic friend of mine says that you can survive in the desert on four figs/ day.  (Wouldn't be pleasant, but I guess he may be right.)

  7. Hey Im going camping/Floating this weekend, and we are taking, Lunchables,, Lunch meat and wraps instead of bread, Tuna packets and crackersThe zesty lemon tuna is really good, uhm  grapes, Beef Jerky, Summer sausage and cheese,, Thats just the stuff we dont have to cook,,,,, Hope this helps!

  8. Get pita bread or tortillas, pouches of chicken and/or tuna, and you have a great sandwich. the tuna even comes with the mayo in it and some are flavored, like lemon pepper. Sliced cheese with apples for a snack. Granola bars. String cheese. Bring lots of water, too. Have fun !!

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