
Going on my frist cruise, 3 day 2 night to Mexico...what do i NEED to take and not take and what to expect?

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Have passports and lots of ID. Mostly questions about what to take to wear and what the days will be like, the nights i think i can guees for myself but an info will be good.




  1. ,one sharp outfit for the formal night..and formal on a 3 day has quite a range . and then a couple of changes .. it should all fit in one bag and a carry on .keep all your needed meds with you.. it goes fast. the old saying is pack,  take half out ...and your done

  2. Depends on where you are going and the weather there.

    My husband and I went to Cozumel, Mx this past September and it was HOT HOT HOT. Bring lots of sun lotion and plenty of water, also water shoes would be great so you won't be walking around on the hot pavement (as it was HOT) with bare feet or heavy shoes.

    Be prepared for all the vendors trying to get you in their stores and always asking you if you want to make a deal. If your going to Cozumel, all the stores will have the same products but a different price, even if they are only a few feet away from each other. It's crazy.

    About the passports I wouldn't take them off the ship, they only look at your ship ID card and you don't want to lose them in Mexico of all places.

  3. I have been on over 20 cruises, starting in 1976 and 1 booked for next year.  You will LOVE it, It is the best vacation in the known universe.

  4. don't drink the water!!!   u can probebly wear regular clothes this time year.....nights get a little chily every now and then..hav fun

  5. well, here is what you need. Bring insect repelent just in case. The sun around mexico can get pretty strong, so bring a hat and sunglasses. Sunscreen would not be a bad idea, and a raincoat could help. Scorts are really usefull, and bring tanktops, but don't forget a sweater and 1-2 long sleeved shirts. As you can see the weather can vary alot. For your shoes, bring flip flops, every day shoes, and shoes apropiate for special occ. towel, all those other things r up to u, but i would bring a good shampoo in case your hair gets dry or stuff.

    Hope this helps and have a great time in mexico!

  6. Summer weight attire, with at least one pair of long pants and a light jacket in case it is chilly. If you want to eat in the dining room, bring at least one suit/nice outfit. Swimwear and/or workout wear depending on if those are things you'll want to do.

    There are many websites online that'll give you a detailed list of things to take on a cruise. Do a search and run through their lists....there may be something you hadn't thought of.

    I loved being able to take plenty of stuff (we drove to port, didn't fly) and for boarding porters take your luggage and you check-in, board the ship and relax...later you go to your cabin and your luggage is there waiting for you.

    When you disembark, it's pretty much up to you so don't take more luggage than you can handle yourself unless you are going to pay someone to help you get it off the ship. From your cabin to your car (or taxi) you schlepp those bags yourself.

    It was amusing, in a way, to see the change of attitude in nearly the entire ship's staff at the end of the cruise. They weren't all smiles and bending over backwards to help you the morning of disembarkation...they were done with you and ready for you to leave, so the next batch of folks could come on board and spend their money. I loved cruising though, and can't wait to do it again!

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