
Going on vacation, to board or not to board?

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I need some serious advice on how to handle this situation. I will be leaving next week to go visit family. My husband will not be going with me, but he works 8-10 hours a day. We have an 11 year old Lab and a one year old Westie. The lab will be fine staying in the garage, she is used to it. However, the Westie is crated when we leave and I feel that 8-10 hours a day is a long time to be in such a confined space and by herself. We can't allow her in the garage at this time, because she seems to find things to eat and chew up that she shouldn't and she also pees, poos wherever she feels like it. So, we are talking about boarding her for 3 days until the weekend, when my hubby isn't working.

My problem is, I'm not sure if she has ever been boarded and I'm not sure how she will react not seeing either one of us for a few days. She tends to be very shy and timid around new people, barks constantly. My question is what would you do in this situation? Would you board her or just leave her at home for several hours in a crate? I just want to make sure she's ok.

Any serious advice would be appreciated.




  1. I have always hated the thought of boarding my dogs. If your dog is timid around new people then I would suggest not boarding him just to be on the safe side. You might not know how he will react - he may get really scared and even bite someone because he is so nervous and doesn't know what's going on and to top it all off he doesn't have the comfort of you being there. My suggestion would be either to crate him at home - it won't hurt him it's only a few days. Or I would see if a friend or neighbor or someone could watch him during the day.

    My dogs are in crates for the day when I am gone. They handle it well. When I get home I let them out and make sure they get the exercise they need. They don't seem to mind, and I don't have a choice because like yours, they will get into anything and everything while I'm gone:) Hope this helps! Good luck!

  2. If this was my dog, I would board her. She might be scared of the people, but I would rather her to be with professionals (vet) that would know how to handle her instead of being on her own all day.

  3. I think if you find a boarding kennel with great reviews and recommendations that would be a great way to go...a good kennel will give your dog the attention that he/she needs.

    Maybe you could board the two together...I know that my kennel has double occupancy kennels with special rates:)  Just like the Holiday Inn!

  4. I have a very timid BT and we went on vacation for the first time without her. We too had to make this decision and she did great. Of course she was scared and very happy to see us when we picked her up but as soon as we got home i know in my heart she had forgotten all about her stay at the Vet. It was a huge relief to us knowing she would be well took care of and i think you will feel better if you board her since you are worried already.

  5. I would be safe and board the dog. But find a reputable kennel, I've had great luck with Most of the high end boarding facilities offer great amenities, doggie play time, and plenty of affection. Although my dog would rather stay home or be with me, it's much more humane to be in a safe kennel w/ caretakers then locked up in a crate all day with no human interaction. You could also Hire a dog walker or dog sitter to come half way through the day to take the dogs out for a walk.  

  6. You certainly could board her, but If i were in the situation, I would ask a relative or friend to come over maybe twice a day and let them out, and to get some exercise.

  7. Can you find a good pet sitter in your area.  So they can spend a few hours each day with the dogs.  I boarded my dogs for 3 days and all their training went out the window.  But they're much younger than your dog.  If you have to board them you should do it for both of them so they'll have each other.  

  8. I would board both dogs. That's a long time to be left in a garage where the other dog finds things to chew. The good dog will get bored and start chewing and pooping in the garage. Board them both so they have each other to keep them company.

  9. Boarding your pet wouldn't be a bad thing to do.  Depending on your husband actual work hours some boarding establishments offer dog day care. Just like with boarding you would need your pets shot records. It is a nice alternative to boarding for an overnight stay. You drop you pet off in the morining and pick it up in the evening. The fees are not too bad either. I've used Petsmart before for this and it worked great for me.

  10. I board my dogs about 5 days a month at least because my family and i are always traveling, we have a 170+ lbs newfoundland and a 55+ lbs pitbull........I would take her to get boarded or even like a doggy hotel might make her feel more comfortable.......leaving her in a crate for a long period of time is not good!

    also take your own food for her because my dogs are spoiled and will only eat one kind of food, so that makes them more comfortable too!

  11. I will be honest if you are leaving next week you are cutting it kind of close.    It will be hard to find a facility to board on such short notice.   I would leave them home and arrange for someone to come let them out mid day and I think they would be fine

  12. Have one of your friends or family take the dog for the week. This is the best thing to do because it sounds like you have a puppy. If there is absolutely nobody, there are places you can take the dog to while the hubby is at work and he can pick the dog up on the way home, they usually train the dog too! It's not too, too expensive but it's not cheap either. Last option is probably to clean out the garage and anything you don't want ruined and have the hubby clean hose it down when he gets home from work (I don't know how much he'll appreciate this one). Good luck!

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