
Going on vacation in San Juan...?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering if I will need to get any shots/vaccinations/medications before I go?




  1. No  ..Puerto  rico  is  a very  safe  Island  where  everybody  needs  to  be  up to date  with  their  vaccinations  to  go  to  there's  no  Outbreaks of anything  weird...

  2. No, but for your convenience Walgreens is all over Puerto Rico in case you need a medication and your prebscription is atWalgreen in the US.

    For some info of Puerto Rico visift Puerto Rico Online Magazine

  3. No.  Just be as careful as in US.  But nothing special or extraordinary.

  4. lol  no it is part of the USA

  5. Not really.  Just don't drink the regulart tap water.  It just doesn't taste good.  Anyways, your packing list should be: sun lotion, bug/mosquito spray, pepto bismol, immodium AD, motion-sickness pills, WATER, and birth control.

  6. no. you only need those if you're traveling to africa or the amazon rainforest.  just bring sunblock if needed. the government here does a better job at getting everyone vaccinated than they do in the mainland.

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