
Going out in montreal?

by Guest62756  |  earlier

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Hey, I was wondering, because my friends and I are going to montreal for a weekend soon, and thing is we are only 17, but we wanted to know if there are any clubs to get into in montreal? otherwise it might be totally lame - so please help!!




  1. good luck some places are very stricked i am 27 and i still get carded sometimes ( im not joking) and it has nothing to do with dressing s**y if u look suspicious they will check.

  2. The drinking age in Montreal is 18 so you are just under. If you try enough places you'll get in somewhere. Just dress s**y.

  3. it really depends where you go.

    i would avoid crescent street as it is very touristy, and most bouncers are aware that a lot of teenagers that show up are from out of town/underage.

    if you stick to st laurent street you should be fine.

    there may be a place or two you can't get into, but you will for sure find something.
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