
Going out to eat tonight?

by  |  earlier

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Are you aware that on average a server receives a weekly check for $0.00 and that if you don't tip them they get to in turn pay for a small percentage of your dinner in taxes?

what percentage do you leave and why?




  1. i always base my tip on service. bad service i tip 10 - 15. good service 20 - 25. GREAT service, i've tipped as much as 50.

  2. i always double the tax and give more if i really like my server

  3. 15-30 % because thats what my dad does

  4. I always leave 15%... that's what you're supposed to do!

  5. oh well , that is their decision to take the job. I tip 10 or 15 percent!

  6. i leave 15 - 18%.

    dunno why

  7. i just tip according to how good the service is :)

  8. I leave 10 - 15 %. I am not going to worry about their taxes. They chose the job.

  9. you are suppose to leave 10% of your bill as a tip for the server

  10. My parents always leave 20% if it is a good server and 10% if bad. We don't really worry tho bc we are kinda WEALTHY>>

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