
Going out without baby, what to do?

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i have a 7 months old and i really need a break so my hubby is giving me Sunday off. me and another mommy friend are going to go do something all day. just don't know what to do this will be my first time with out my daughter. we are going to go see a movie but that only takes up 2 hours of a hole day. i need some ideas of what to do all day. oh we are both 20 if the age helps. and live in northwest Arkansas.




  1. SPA!!!  That really would be a nice relaxing time...get a pedicure, manicure, massage....just a day of relaxation and beauty.

    There's always lunch and/or dinner after the movie also.

  2. Here are a few ideas....

    movies, club, restaurant, concert, mall, amusement park, art center, zoo, bungee jump, skydive, rock climbing(fake), bar, museum.

    thats all i could think of sorry. some of them are wild but most people would kill to do it. and some are pretty calm and not as outgoing.

    any questions, email me. :)  

  3. Have a nice lunch where you can sit down, take your time.  Eat three courses without interruption.

    Have a pedicure or manicure, something to pamper yourself.

    Go shopping, buy yourself a new outfit.   Right now all of your time is about baby, taking a day to just focus on yourself will keep you refreshed, relaxed and more balanced.

  4. you could go out to lunch, to a movie and then do a little shopping or you could treat yourself to a spa day.

  5. Go to the movies. Have a relaxing meal. If you go shopping, stay away from the baby department. If it was me, I wouldn't get my nails done. It's a nice thought, but it will be gone in a week.  

  6. My daughter is 7 months too!  My husband just took my daughter last saturday and my friend and I went and got pedicures and manicures then went shopping and out to eat. I did most of the things i cant do with my daughter.  Well it made it easier without her.  BUt a movie that sounds great i haven't been to one since before i was pregnant. So i think that s a great idea.  Go have fun! GL

  7. Go to a theme park. Act like a kid again and get the you know what scared out of you.

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