
Going pescatarian?

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I want to be this kind of vegetarian because a friend once told me that if I cut out meat from my diet [not including fish] I would have much more energy. But I just can't seem to do it even for a whole week. It's super hard. It's like I'm ADDICTED to meat. Any suggestions for me?

I really need your help!!!




  1. Go to  It's hard to ignore if you have a heart.

  2. Pescetarianism is not a type of vegetarianism.

    If you eat enough food that fits your pescetarian diet, you won't be hungry and you shouldn't have a problem skipping the other meats.

  3. Im a pesci vegetarian:)

    try Morning star prodcuts:) they make meatless everything! meatless chicken nuggets, corn dogs, hamburgers, sausages, etc. and its all made from soy and vegetables, so it tastes like meat, but it relaly is just vegetables. And you dont have that greasy feeling knowing that your eating real animals:)

  4. Well, it is in general a healthier diet, but don't attach 'vegetarian' to it. It's not a type of vegetarian, because you will still be eating meat.

    That said, I would try getting the fake version of the things you love to replace them, and maybe try giving up one type of meat at a time to ease yourself in. Many people find it easier if they're not doing it cold turkey.

    Good luck!

  5. A "pescetarian" is not a type of vegetarian.  Vegetarians do not eat fish.

  6. I was once a pescatarian before going full vegetarian, and found it pretty hard the first week also. It's just the first week though. After that, it becomes very easy as you drop the addiction to meat. It's true - I was very addicted to meat also. It's an acquired taste. Now I don't crave meat at all.

    My reasons to becoming a vegetarian were many, including health, but one of my motivations was a scene in the documentary Baraka (environmental documentary that is nonverbal, beautiful; you can watch full version: - cute chicks raised in factory farms. Every time I thought of the chicks, I could resist the strong temptation. I thought to myself, "How can I eat them? They're so cute!"

    But yes, once you cut the meat out for one full week, it gets easier. Also you can refer to "How to become a veggie" in the following article:

    I hope you succeed! Good luck. :)

  7. if you are addicted to meat then don't quit it. just cut back..if oyu prevent yourself from meat, you'll want it more. be a pescatarian when you're ready..otherwise you'll just hurt yourself and end of failing

  8. Just to clarify, pescetarianism isn't a type of vegetarianism. (Vegetarians don't eat any meat, including fish.)

    Anyway, you might want to try some of the fake meats that are available these days. Certain brands taste better than others, so do some taste testing to find your favorites. There's everything from "chicken" strips to veggie bacon, and they make it really convenient to replace meat in your favorite meals and recipes.  

    Also, try not to focus so much on what you’re giving up. Think about all of the exciting, new foods you’re discovering. A whole new world of flavors will open up to you, once you do a some exploring.

    Hope this helps!

  9. I am a pescetarian myself

    It actually isnt as hard as I thought it would be..I never have cravings for other meat

    If you find good meals you wont even notice after a while

    If you eat seafood everyday in the beginning you will get used to it..Some days I dont eat meat at all

    Some good meals are shrimp alfredo, baked tilapia, baked catfish, popcorn shrimp, crab cakes, stuffed c**p, and Lean Cuisine now offers a seafood selection

    You should add me or message me if you need any help =)

  10. Think of it being the animal it once was. Works like a charm. You could just tell yourself your allergic to it and that you'll end up sick. The mind is a powerful thing. I learned this new trick to avoid meat from this place actually. For example you want to eat chicken. You will imagine the fuzzy feathery feeling in your mouth. I haven't used it yet but, it works differently for everyone.

    You could also wean yourself off of it. Start with pork--->beef--->Poultry. Like eat pork for one last week and then the next week, last week of beef etc.

  11. Pescetarian is not vegetarian, I was a fish eater for a while before I became a vegetarian but you cannot be a vegetarian and still eat fish or meat. I think the easiest thing to do is make things you like with veggies and veggie products (just avoid Boca (who are owned by Phillip Morris)) It is really easy my dad is a meat eater but he went all yesterday without eating meat and he was happy, you just have to cook comforting food. There are so many fake meat products out there that taste like the real thing. I had vegan shrimp (from a local distributor called Terry's Natural Foods in MD) and I could barely tell the difference and someone else, who happened to be a meat eater tried them and the only reason he knew they weren't real is because he knew I was a vegetarian and my friend (who didn't eat them because they tasted to real) is a vegan!  I have lost weight and seem to have more energy now that I am meat/fish free and my trick was just to cook stuff I enjoyed and if need be tweak the recipe a bit for fake meats or just use tofu or go without them.

    The less you think about meat the less you will want it.

  12. your not a have to eliminate all living things ............i know they get picky because i wanna eliminate beef,pork,chicken but still eat fish and shrimp only but i know i cant call myself a vegetarian yet until i can eliminate those things i feel for you if you dont wanna give up seafood then dont and who cares what other say about you its your life and live it to whatever makes you comfortable and not to make others comfortable
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