
Going skiing!?

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I am going skiing up in Mont Tremblant Canada. The last time i skiied was about 3 years ago. Im wondering if it is going to be hard for me to pick it up again. Are the slopes really that difficult for me to handle if im basically a biginner..? :)




  1. First off, this is an excellent ski area & they have plenty of beginner runs & lifts. Start off on the beginner runs (green circles) until you feel confident enough to try some intermedialte runs (blue squares). Next, rent a pair of short skis, no higher than your chin in length & preferably a little shorter than that. Short skis are much easier to learn on, espcially when you have to turn & stop. Also, make sure your boots fit comfortably & take some breaks during the day. When you take a break, loosen your boots & even take your feet out for awhile, rest & massage them. Your feet can get tired & sore & this will hinder your skiing. Make sure your dressed warm & when you take a break, have meal or snack, you'll need the energy. Have something light to eat & full of energy just before you ski!!! While you're riding up the lifts, watch good skiers & take some tips from them & see how they ski; particularly when they turn & stop. This can be as good as a lesson. Remember, some ski lessons can be inexpensive if you take a group lesson & they're only about an hr. long!! Good Luck & have FUN!!!!

  2. Don't take an instructor. Take off the first slope and you'll get back into the groove.  I went today and I went off the first hill and did fine. If I can do it, than you can do it!

  3. somebody has said to me before that skiing is like riding a bike.... you never forget how and it comes naturally when you do it again.

    i have been to a few different places skiing and i don t ski much and am definitely a beginner, but i still pick up from where i was the last time i skiied... i actually rarely fall, but i only stay on the beginner (green) trails.

  4. Sorry, but you just one.  If you insist on doing it without an on snow refresher lesson, read through a couple of the how to ski books that are in the library. Use this to refresh your memory about how and what to do.  Take it easy the first few runs, and stay on the easy slopes.

       After you read these books, you can then make up your mind about a lesson or two just to refresh yourself.

  5. You will be rusty - it's a confidence thing. Start off on easy slopes. After a couple of runs you will get your skills back. By the end of the day you will realise that you haven't lost anything.
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