
Going through a tough time, depressed, any help?

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Well, life's been kind of rough on me lately. I quit my job about two months ago and so money's been tight. My grandfather has cancer and it doesn't look good. It's been really hard to see him this way, I'm really close to him. My family seems to be falling apart at the seams. And the list goes on.

I'm about 2/3 through school and now I'm questioning if my major is really what I want to do for the rest of my life. I feel like I'd love to be doing something else (my dream) but I can't because I have to be realistic, it's almost like I can't afford to follow my dream. I've been thinking about this for the past 6 months, so this isn't new, either. It's depressing.

Any advice for me, so hopefully I can get back on track with my future?




  1. clear ur mind, go have some fun then come back and ur refreshed mind will know what to do :))

  2. Think of your passion whats the things that make you happy then align

    your education to be able to mesh your education with your passions.

    A passion is the one thing you get so jazzed about in life like a place a  thing or a task like mine was collecting coins  so after college I opened a coin shop using my coin collection as stock never really intending to sell my collection I mad e my own job which I love and

    make money buying and selling coins I don't care about like bullion

    or foreign coins making money at it enough to be happy and live a good life and still do my passion coins. find your passion and turn it into

    a life full of fun and living. Remember you can be in business and not make money but you can write off losses in business so it s not such a drag on you to have too perform your the boss an its your collection.

    That way it give you a income  and a hobby in one passion.

    i also run a limo service on the side that helps pay the cost of being

    a coin business with a cash flow  I'm not stupid m using the college degree to handle the business.. buying and selling coins and metals

    at a profit. find your passion ask yourself what makes me light up like

    a kid under the christmas tree on xmas morning if you cant answer

    what makes you happy with a passion you need to experience life

    out there allot more before you leave school

  3. Life can suck. Bad things will happen.

    You just have to Get Up, Show Up, Suck it Up and Ride It Out. Dont waste your time with self pity.

    Things will get better as well.


    WHAT?!?!! Seriously, GTFO. Now.

    Try to do something you enjoy to take your mind off it.

    Go for a run, the endorphins will help level things out chemically.

    If neither of those things help, go and see a professional. Immediately.

  5. True merit is not in 'not falling down at all', but in being able to get up every time you do fall down! You have responsibilities to yourself, you have a loving, beloved grandpa, whose days ahead can be made brighter if you do well, really well, and he is told time and again that you are doing well, doing well for his sake! And, your dreams! Yes, they are real, real dreams that deserve hard and sincere work from your part, efforts that are within, well within your reach, to realise, to fulfill! Carry on, go ahead on your chosen track, do not give in to depression now, a temporary obstacle, weak and short-lived, that cannot stop you from doing well in life! Cheer up, buck up, face life, stare at life full in the eyes, don't blink, don't yield now; wake up fully to your dreams and the need to translate them to the best of realities! Good luck! Do well! (Prayers for preserving Grandpa from pains, for giving him strength and will power and resilience, and healing power and cheer and peace!)

  6. hi my friend

    i am sorry for you

    but all i wanna say is whatever may happen you should stay strong

    don't let your grandfather feel that he has spend most of the time with him as you said that you are really close to him....

    and now think of your elders ......if you are felling so weak how weak would your elders feel???

    don't keep on brooding about all this and waste your precious time

    my english is a bit poor so i always fail to convey what i want to

    but hope this helps you my friend .......come what might you always STAY STRONG ....and hope that god helps you

  7. HI joy, your dream is aways realistic, you just don't know how yet, that doesn't mean it's not possible.  Don't give up, just keep looking for the way.  Your situation is understandable,  uncertainty everywhere.  My advice would be really, you've got to stop this from turning into full blown depression.  It's going to be tough now, it's really going to be tough if you don't get on top of this while you still have a chance.  

    The answer to this is tough and lengthy but you can do it.  I have a website that deals with depression and might be useful.

    Have a look at the purpose tab too, some advice about what to do about you career choices.

    good luck

  8. I'm going through a hard time now too...very much so....  I'm feeling depressed too.  For myself, I'm just opening up all my feelings to God. Telling him everything, almost begging for help...  Yet thanking him for the blessings I'll soon have in life.  

    I have to believe I'll soon be blessed... and I know when we believe for higher things it is more likely they will come into our lives.. So expect good things as much as you can.

    Even if you're major isn't what you want, remember most people end up straying from their major and working in another field... If you're qualified for this major, theres plenty of other jobs you'd be qualified for as well and most employers just want to see someone confident and educated, despite the major.

    Remember you have 1 life so do all you can to make yourself happy because we don't get any do-overs.  My dream feels far off too.. I wonder if it'll ever be possible...  But I plan to take little steps to get there.  There is always a way, if there is a will.  

    Remember we often can't see what is ahead of us, but its important to let go of the past so we can move toward the future...

    Both of my grandparents passed away and I know the hurt it causes...the illness is hard...seeing someone you love sick is awful...but perhaps you can help him live a little more while he is here?  Talk to him, read with him, sit with him.... It probably would be helpful for him.

    You're only feeling whats normal...when we cant see ahead and so much around us is falling or so it seems, we just want to break down sometimes....I feel that way now....its a horrible feeling...     I'm trying to pray often, I'm going to try and read some positive books like Joel Osteen's books that have helped to guide and uplift me in the past.   When you keep pressing forward you'll eventually move through this.

    Do all you can now to make yourself feel better and look at things in perspective... you're an educated person, any employer will appreciate that...your dream is possible if you have the will to take it little by little...and your grandfather has probably had a full life and feels a sense of peace inside and with you being by his side that means the world to him....  I hope you'll feel better soon, I understand...

  9. talking to someone, (even this bunch of nuts on this website!) is a start at being helpfull.  FYI, usually if bad things are going to happen to a person, it is not one but several all at once!  Murphy's law I guess.  My advice? I would follow most all of what other people have suggested.  Prayer cannot hurt, neither can bucking up and get tough with yourself.  Finish your schooling.  Because you doubt your major now can mean you are fed up with the whole school thing.  Finish it.  Even if you never become a whatever you are studying, you will have the satisfaction of finishing the work.  The great thing about education is you can educate yourself in something else too,

    Sorry about your grandfather.  Be aware that because it doesn't look good that does not mean he will die now.  However, also be aware that he will die eventually, we all will so my advice on that is make as many memories as possible with him while he is here on earth before he dies.  Hard?  You bet!  Harder on him though, he is the one dying.

  10. You have every right to be depressed, this a heavy load to carry.

    First lets try and deal each problem separately. You quit your job, now you sound like a practical person, so you knew what was going happen financially. I guess it must of been a pretty rotten job and you wouldn't want that job back even if it was offered to you with a raise. As much as you need the money, you'll probably better off without this job.

    I'm sorry to hear about your Grandfather. Obviously he is a good man and you love him. The cancer might kill him and all you can do is make him comfortable and be there for him. This is not an easy, I helped my wife when her parents died from cancer and heart failure. In some situations we are almost helpless except for small acts of kindness but in the end they make a world of difference.

    As far as your major goes, you have to ask yourself what is it you really have a passion to do? I believe if you follow your bliss you can't help but to be successful. I've done plenty of jobs that I hated, I made some money but it's soul crushing to work everyday and not at least like what you're doing. This one is a tough call and you should start with a career councilor. I have two sons, one is motivated and wants to be an engineer. The other is kind of a slacker and wants to be a cook. I still tell both of them to follow their bliss. All I want is that they be good moral adults and I have to trust they will find their own way to happiness and sucess. So look at your own situation honestly and trust yourself, if you need to change the course of your life now is better than later.

    No matter what you do in life there are no guarantees things will turn out right. In my past I've some epic bouts of depression. Once several of my friends took me out to see Monty Python's Life Of Brian during a real dark period. At the end of the movie I was cheerifully singing the ending tune. We live until we die, each day is a gift and it's up to us to make the best of it. Now I've been lucky nothing truly horable has happened to me but I count that as a blessing. And whenever the c**p hits the fan I try not to get upset while cleaning up the mess. Depression only makes the work ahead harder and nastier.  

  11. Who says you can,t follow your dream ,what makes you want to get up in the morning how do you really feel.Life is a challenge every day ,its just how we approach it that makes it interesting or not,look after yourself first then you can take care of others but you are the most inportant one first .

  12. It's always easier to deal with anything individually than when they start to pile up.

    1. Death is a part of life.  In the last two years I've lost three good friends--suicide, cirrhosis and murder--and my father died of cancer.  You go on.

    2. When you graduate, you'll make decent money?  At least you're in school; there are people doing worse.  Maybe student loans or grants could help?

    3. Depending on your dream and your eventual career, maybe the two aren't incompatible?  Is it a dream you could pursue in your free time?

    Good luck, you're not alone.


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