
Going thru my first flea invasion....?

by  |  earlier

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I just found out today my dogs have fleas so I have given them the Frontline the vet prescribed for them, and then i went outside and sprayed the backyard and am about to spray my carpets, what else should I do to get rid of these pests?




  1. First you should vacuum everything. Move the furniture, get the baseboards, bedding, anywhere the pets have been. Anything you can wash, wash it. Pets having fleas are like your children having lice so whatever you would do to prevent that do to prevent this. Get the flea spray from your vet called Knockout. Spray this on your carpets, baseboards, move the furniture and spray under that. Also spray your bedding as the flea eggs will fall off wherever the animal lays. For the living fleas on your animal now get a capstar pill, this will kill all living fleas on the animal in 15 minutes and will continue to work for 24-36 hours, you will want to do this for about a week every other day or until you can get the fleas under control. I wish you luck as they are nasty little things.

  2. Okay well, good for you.

    An easy product that you can use to get the carpet free of fleas is Borax. It's simple and actually works. Just put it on your carpet and let it sit for a day. You can also buy spray that gets rid of fleas in your house, it's at the pet store.

  3. give the dog a flea bath and flea bomb your house

  4. Wait ten days do it again, eggs hatch every 7- 10 days good luck.

  5. vet

  6. Be certain to repeat EVERY MONTH not 2 weeks

    suppose you didnt.. the eggs that are waiting to hatch are going to in about 14 days and your problem will not be solved because the treatments to carpet and such last only about a MONTH

    dont waste your money with over treatment

  7. The best way to rid your house of fleas is to buy "flea bombs". You will need so many per sq. ft. of living space.You set them off with no people or pets inside.This will destroy any flea eggs in the dwelling. In the meantime, give your pets a serious flea bath with products available at local pet supply stores.

      The bad news: If your dogs frequent a day care or kennel you will almost always have repeat flea issues. Keep a flea collar(s) on all the time.

      Another good tip is to add powdered garlic to your dogs food. Fleas hate this. Increase the garlic over time once your dog gets used to the taste.  good luck!

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