
Going to Algeria but dont speak french!?

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I am planning on visiting Algeria one day and i wanted to know will i get around fine speaking Arabic (Palestinian Dialect) or do i need to brush up on french. i have heard their are Algerians who have lived their whole life in Algeria and dont know how to speak Arabic..... plus will my Palestinian accent get me into any trouble like people trying to charge me extra knowing im foreign?




  1. I dont think you will have a problem in Algeria not being able to speak French. I have friends in the capital city and they can speak English. If you stay in the major cities you may find English or Arabic speakers easier than in small towns or villages. Also, I have Italians friends that have been to Algeria and they cannot speak Arabic nor French but got by just fine speaking English (even with their Italian accent). Use common sense to ensure you wont be "hustled" or "ripped off." Have a nice trip!

  2. They will understand you, but I think you might have to strain your ear to understand their dialect!!

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