
Going to Amsterdam in December 2008!!?

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I have heard that marijuana is illegal but not enforced by the law very well you can smoke and buy marijuana in coffee shops..but I heard from a friend that in July 2008 it will be illegal to even do that?

Do you think smoking will be banned completely there by December?

Hope my vacation won't be ruined :(




  1. Let's take it step by step!

    Marjuana is not legal, correct, but it is not a matter of not being enforced very well at all (the police would have to be both blind and stupid especially given the location of the police station in the centre of Amsterdam!)

    So to be precise it is not legal but is "tolerated" under certain conditions. One paragraph I normally copy/paste which covers the majority of questions concisely is from wikipedia as follows      

    "Possession of small quantities and the consumption at home or in so-called coffeeshops (by persons over 18 years of age) are decriminalized and tolerated; only smoking in public is often punished with a fine, or a warning in case of first time offenders.

    The sale of cannabis is technically a crime, but coffeeshop owners are not prosecuted as long as none of the following guidelines is violated: No other drugs than marijuana and hashish may be sold, only 5 grams may be sold to each person (in a single transaction), cannabis products may not be advertised in public or visible to passers-by outside the shop, the shop must not become a disturbance to the neighbourhood, no drugs are to be sold to minors and minors are not allowed to linger inside the coffeeshop.

    Still illegal and actively prosecuted are the cultivation, import or sale of large amounts of cannabis, i.e. the whole supply industry behind coffeeshops" - Wikipedia

    The change in July refers to the forthcoming smoking ban. Actually the smoking ban in the workplace within NL has has been in effect since Jan 2004 but bars, cafes etc were left outside the ban. From Jul 2008 the smoking van will also be inclusive of this sector.

    Actually it does not mean that people will not be able to smoke in coffeeshops (or other bars/cafes etc), but they will have to provide completely seperate smoking area's for smokers - at least this was the situation when it was announced last summer

    Since then there has been many articles about it in the media and also discussions amongst politicians. The last thing I heard about a month ago was that a large number of politicians were against the ban for coffeeshops and the minister of health announced that marijuana/cannabis/weed would be exempt from the ban, BUT only if smoked alone and not together with tobacco but this is not the final decision...... He will make the decision before the summer after discussions with industrial representatives. (Yes this is confusing I know)

    Here is a short article (doesn't give you all the info though) about it in English for you.

    So no, smoking will not be banned and will be permitted. It is only the conditions of where/how that will be resolved

    On a personal note I think it is really sad that you consider your holiday would be ruined just because you are going to a great city with culture, history, beauty, plenty to do......... and you can't smoke a joint..... but ok each to their own I guess

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