
Going to Austria, can i take my phone with me?

by  |  earlier

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what do I have to do, how will it affect my rates




  1. Unless your phone uses the GSM standard, it probably won't work in Austria.  Contact your provider to find out what standard your phone uses.  If it is GSM, you might need to activate oversees access.  They should also be able to tell you rates.

    I highly doubt if you don't already have an international plan with your provider that you could just head to Austria and expect everything to work without first contacting the company.

  2. You probably won't have service there.  Call your cell phone company and ask them if your service includes Austria.   A good alternative is a phone card.  I'm in the UK on business all the time and I use a phone card called EuroTel that I purchase in the UK for 5 pounds (about 10 dollars depending on the exchange rate).  It only costs me about 5-8 cents per minute to call home (the US).  I would assume Austria would have the same type of cards available since I've heard that most of Europe does.  Have a good trip!

  3. yes, but it wil b overseas sms and phone calls

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