
Going to Cairo in October and wondering what type of clothes to take.?

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Will it be really hot then?

I'm a bit worried because do wear tops that show cleavage, so if I were to wear tops like that in Cairo, would I get any unwanted attention?

What sort of clothing would be best for this time of year? Thanks




  1. better take a burkah  

  2. October in Cairo is till pretty warm...but the nights are just beginning to get take light wraps or a light weight sweater.

    Cleavage WILL get attention.  And quite a few propositions.  If you do not want every male in Cairo staring down your front, try a little less cleavage during the day.  If you are going to be dining in better restaurants then dress as you would at home.   It is STILL a rather conservative country.  You won't be attacked, but you will NOT get the respect you deserve.  Egyptian men seem to think that women who do NOT dress modestly are really asking for trouble.  

  3. Yes, in October the weather in Cairo is still hot.  We don't start wearing jackets or sweatshirts until mid-November.

    Bring cotton or linen clothes for the morning.  Synthetics will be alright-by night if you are in an air conditioned area.

    If you don't want to attract attention, then pants and half-sleeved t-shirts or non-transparent blouses are fine. If they show cleavage then you can wear under them a top/body wear that would just hide the cleavage. Bermudas and skirts should cover the knees.

    Have a nice stay.

  4. it will be warm , perhaps 30C am and 22 C pm .

    wear cotton clothes that are modest , with half sleeves .

    your trousers or pants shouldnt be too tight , your skirts not too short .

    as you say, you want to avoid unwanted attention .

    so , bring  clothes that wouldnt attract attention.

    bring something feminine in case you go out in the evening .

    have a nice stay.

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