
Going to China on Monday! Anything I should definitely know/bring with me?

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I'm traveling to China with my high school as a group Monday. Our activity's agenda has a couple of pages that list simple dialog and customs, along with a brief summary of things we should pack. I don't feel this is sufficient, however.

Is there anything I should keep in mind, know, or take (or not take) along with me?





  1. shorts  ,,,,it's hot there.... lucky you,,, I love China and the people

  2. don't bring many clothes if you will have time for shopping. Save the room to bring stuff back, not everything will be cheap in beijing though, certainly not with the olympics there. If you go off the tourist trail you may need to keep some tissues in your bag for tp. Be ready to eat weird food. Give it a try.

  3. bring a tazer

    dont bring your dog or cat

    wink wink

    have fun!

  4. Chinese people usually haven't seen white people, and when my cousins went they had Chinese people following them for hours. Lol so don't be scared. Also when you buy things from them, they haggle. they will most likely set it very high but if a normal Chinese person buys it's very low. So set it low.  They will try so scam you because your a tourist.

    Have Super Fun! :]

  5. bring your camera so you have special memory.

  6. Something to defend yourself if someones tries by force to remove your freedom or individual thinking...good luck you may need it.

  7. Chop Sticks


    Have fun

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