
Going to College........Lose Weight or Gain Weight?

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Hey guys. I'm going to College next week, and I've heard that people really gain weight over the first couple months. Being a little bigger (not that big, certainly not overweight), I'm terrified I'll pack on more pounds. I have a $2500 meal plan card that works everywhere on campus, but will eating healthy be enough? I'd use the gym if I weren't so self-conscious. Can anyone that went to College give me some advice?

PS - I'm a guy, not that it really matters, lol! :)




  1. It's all about the lifestyle that you choose. You can chose the food that's good for you and exercise or you can chose the food that's bad for you and not exercise. Right now I'm in college and since 2 year I've chosen option 1. If you don't want to gain weight just take care of yourself and make it a routine to exercise and eat right. Good luck on your new school year!

  2. i just moved onto campus and i dont have a car...if you walk everywhere you are going to lose weight for sure (i have been here 4 days and i already feel more in shape)

  3. I don't know if you would gain a lot the first couple of months, but many students gain 15-25 pounds while in college.  I think because we have different schedules and may not be as physically active as before college.  I gain 10 pounds freshman year so my sophomore year I started picking better food choices (not ordering a pizza at 2:00am) and jogged around campus.  That kept the weight off.

  4. People gain weight when they go to college because most of the eateries on campus are buffet or fast-food style. Buffets always invite you to over eat, especially if you're using them multiple times a day. You should definitely watch what you eat.

    Depending on your college you may find that you're walking around campus a lot and that helps keep your weight down.

    You shouldn't be self-conscious about going to the gym. On-campus gyms are great because they are free/low-cost for students and usually really well equipped. If you're not comfortable  around other ppl then go during the off hours. You can ask when it's the least busy and go then. But take advantage of the gym. Anyway once you start working out you'll probably drop some weight and won't be as self-conscious anyway.  

  5. There are several factors that helped me gain the freshman 15 or so.  I was in sports in high school, and then all of a sudden - nothing!  Then cheap food is always more fattening and tastier.  The tons of beer and alcohol don't help.  I was just lazy.

  6. First of all please try thinking about what you are going to study.  You are about to start a wonderful 4 years of all kinds of good experience in learning and some fun things too.

    The biggest trick of all is to think "well there's room in here for me too and my ideas".  You do not have to then worry about weather you are accepted.  Be positive and think what I have suggested to you.

    If you are concerned that you are now slightly or moderately over weight I suggest just a few things.   Stay away from sugary beverages  including some fruit juice preps.and alcoholic stuff too.

    Roll with the punches because everything works out sooner or later.  Seek councilor"s advice when you can't come up with an answer to some of your "wondering about questions".

    Carry an H2O bottle around with you all the time.   Taking a swig of water is also a tension breaker and a smile producer both for young men like yourself and young women.  There are many kinds of bottled water - they taste different and oh those bubbly waters! Some can be very expensive too.  How about being the water man for the girls.  Sounds like fun doesn't it?

    Try to cut way down on fatty  fried foods including those fries.

  7. I developed my own workout routine, while I was a student. I roller-bladed everywhere on campus. Used the walking trail. Drank a lot of water. Just remember beer is not a healthy drink it store lots of calories. So limit yourself to small amounts and not the whole brewery.

  8. I go to college full time and can tell you that you will be getting some exercise running around all over the place with those books. I feel that I actually lose weight if anything.  

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