
Going to College in America?Im Irish and 18.(A few quesstions)?

by Guest45475  |  earlier

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Going to College in America?Im Irish and 18.(A few quesstions)?

(1)How do I go about applying to colleges in California and how long do I have to apply beforehand(Im 15 ive 3 years)

(2)How expensive are colleges (generally)

(3)What sort of visa/card would I get?

(4)Would you recommend California or new Jersey? and why





  1. 1) To apply to universities in the United States, simply visit the website of the schools which you are interested in and look at how to apply as an international student. You may find an online application form or you may have to email them and request that they send you one via post. Take a look at the documentation they ask you to submit - high school transcrips, financial documents, SAT scores etc.

    You should start applying to as many different universities as possible at least 12 months before you intend to commence your studies in the U.S. For example, if you wish to attend the Fall semester (August) start applying the previous august or January at the lastest. Be careful however, because many universities do have a deadline for which your application for admission must be submitted by - so check  the dates.

    2) Universities in the U.S. can cost between $18,000 and $45,000 per year - this includes tuition, medical insurance, rent, bills, books and other expenses. Check the university's website for exact tuition costs because each school varies.

    3) You will need an F1 (student) visa to study in the United States. Do a search for the U.S. Embassy in Ireland and you will get the correct link for the the Embassies website.

    4) Both have the pros and cons. Personally I don't like California very much mainly because of the people and the vibe I have gotten everytime I have visited, although I do like San Francisco and San Diego - I would try to avoid L.A. like the plauge but some people like it, others do not. It just isn't my cup of tea. Not to mention that tuition and living expenses in most of California is very expensive. The pros however are the wheather and the beaches.

    New Jersey, I have never been but there are two very good universities there (Princeton and Rutgers). There are also some problems which exist in some of the inner city neighbourhoods.

    Personally I would study in California over New Jersey but if I had other choices, I wouldn't pick either. I suggest you take a visit to both before you decide to study there.

  2. I can't tell you much about California or New Jersey colleges and universities.  So I'll tell you about what I know of the colleges and universities in Texas.  

    First, you'll get a student visa much more easily than any other visa.  It does NOT allow you to hold a job with a student visa.

    If you apply to a community college in Texas, all of the colleges are "open-door" policy.  You apply and you are accepted!  You would need to take some placement exams to see at what level you read, write, and compute in mathematics.  You would be paying foreign student rates which are considerably higher than if you were a resident of the community college district.  Community colleges throughout the nation all provide the first two years of transfer credit to a university.  They also offer two year associate degrees in technical fields ranging from health related careers (laboratory technology, radiological technician, nursing, dental hygiene), auto mechanics, refrigeration/heating, electronics, computer science, child care, etc.

    Many universities actively recruit foreign students so you may need to do a Google or Yahoo search to read some of the universities' web sites to see if they have such a program.

    Where you apply depends on what you want to study, what climate you want to experience and culture you want to experience.  

    California is subject to earthquakes, fires, and torrential rains.  But you have the beaches, mountains, surfing and snow skiing!  

    In New Jersey, you'd have a climate more similar to Ireland.  You'd be very close to New York City and all the amenities that it has to offer.

    Here in Texas you would get something like California with the heat, beaches, and a heavy Mexican culture influence!  

    Good luck in your search!  Contact the recruitment offices of the universities or community colleges you are interested in attending and ask about the requirements to enroll!

  3. If I were you I would check the USA embassy and more official sites. I think your wasting your time and effort in here?

    Its a question about your future and not (what to have for dinner tonight)!

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