
Going to Costa Rica. How much money should I bring?

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I'm going to Costa Rica with my school, next spring. Everything's paid for like, hotel, flight, dinner, breakfast. Lunch is the only thing that's not paid for. We will be exchanging our USD for Costa Rican money. I'm a 14 year old girl, and I love to shop. I heard that things in CR are much cheaper than in America. One thing I want to buy are real designer sunglasses b/c they're cheaper. And I want to buy notebooks and stuff in the markets. Just a bunch of stuff. How much money should I bring? Staying there for 5 days. (My parents are going to send extra money anyways b/c it's international and what if something happens and I get stuck there and stuff like that.)




  1. the touristy areas are expensive and you don't have to change for colones, dollars are accepted everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE.  Every single clerk at every store in the country knows that day's exchange rate.

  2. Lunch: $5 per day

    All the other stuff you talked about is not any cheaper then they are in the USA. Designer sunglasses, if you were to find some, they would only be sold in a tourist area, and they would be as much or more then the price in the USA. The typical Costa Rican is poor, and your selection of that kind of stuff is somewhat limited.

    DO NOT carry too much money on you. And dont bother trading your money in for Colons (costa rican money) becuase you will just get stuck with it when you leave. Dollars spend just fine ANYWHERE in the country.

  3. don't exchange your dollars unless you do it at a bank.  Most kiosk exchange places like in the airport take 10% off the top.  Pay in dollars and you will get change in Colones.  Designer things are not cheaper.  There are a lot of fakes.  It will depend where you will be as to how much money you will need, lunch in the city count on $7 to $10.  Remember whatever you buy has to fit in a bag on the plane.  So you are limited by that.  I would be surprised if you would need more than $700 even if you did a lot of shopping

  4. I live in Csta Rica ^_^...still, you really really shouldn't think stuff is cheaper here...really...say it's like Mexico...or maybe a bit cheaper...If you do want to buy a lot of things really cheap you can go to Colombia, just be careful there...

    Anyway if you want to buy designer stuff i suggest you bring $2000 or around the way the exchange rate is 1.00 USD = 517.875 CRC(Costa Rica Colones).

    Oh and for designer stuff and technology as well you should visit Escazú(pronounced like: Ska-zoo) thats the rich ppl zone, if not then just visit San Jose, just remember that stores in Malls are way more expensive.

    And as another little suggestion...nothing is cheaper than buying stuff on the internet...say ebay, amazon and such, so maybe you could use your money that way...have a nice trip :) and be sure to visit the volcanoes and all the other touristic places, they're full of awesomeness.

  5. What do you want to buy?

    For presents for yourself and family.

    I would say 100 dollars.

  6. about 1000

  7. well you should be able to get by on like $100 but ure gonna want more. most places take american money but some of the locals will try to rip you off because they think you wont know what the exchange rate is. the stuff is pretty cheap over there but if ure gonna buy designer stuff it wont be that much cheaper.

  8. well... me, that i live here in costa rica with a $1000.oo, i could stay at my greatest place that costa rica have for 3-4 weeks. that's at montezuma, paying for the room and food and drinks...

    $1000.oo is well enough unless if you want to invite your friends.

    besides that, enjoy it

  9. If you are 14, you should probably not pay anymore then $5.00 (USD) for lunch each day as long as you guys are eating at local sodas (small local restuarants). As far as spending money $50.00 to $100.00 (USD) should be plenty if not too much.

  10. you can't get anything cheaper here, I live here but I always go back to the states to shop fact things are more expensive here

  11. Okay d for lunch you will do with about 8-20$ a day.

    Designer is stuff is definatly not cheaper, unless its fake of course. American and european is stuff is about the same if not more expensive because of the taxes. Though the stuff in the markets are cheaper, sos you could do with about 200-500 if you want to buy a lot!

    Have a save trip!

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