
Going to Dublin March 7-17th, what kind of clothing should I bring?

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My friend and I are traveling to Dublin for a little over a week during all the St Patrick's Day celebration. Besides a rain coat and some good shoes, what other types of clothes should be brought? Also, any recommendations on events, bars, or scenery you all have we'll take! Thanks!




  1. Think layers. At that time of year any type of weather is possible, and it usually happens.

  2. Well layers are a good advice because I have seen St. Patrick's Day be warm enough just for a light jacket or cold and wet and really needing a heavy jacket and a sweater!  So if you have your raincoat and a good fleece or sweater to wear underneath you will be fine.  Naturally in shops and hotels and restaurants it will not be cold it is only for walking about.  Our city is not that big and it is easy to access everywhere.  All of our museums and our 2 main art galleries are free entry.  Take the tourist bus as it gets you to all the main places and you can stay as long as you like in any of them.  The buses run all day and tickets are valid 24 hours.

    Go on the dart (electric train) which goes along Dublin Bay from north to south.  North you have Howth with a castle and a lovely walk around the Head (hill) cliffs. Also Malahide with nice pubs shops and a beach. South you have Dun Laoghaire, or Dalkey.  Most tourists enjoy a trip to Johnny Foxes pub in the mountains south of Dublin.  Visit the tourist office in Andrew Street off wicklow street for info on what is on.

    Welcome and enjoy.  Dont be afraid to ask for directions.  I think most people will tell you if they dont know where the place you are looking for is!!!!!!!!

  3. Leprechaun suits

  4. Bring some warm clothes. It can be very warm and sunny around St Patrick's day, or it can be very cold. There will be lots to do during the week in Dublin. Also, take a trip on an   open top bus,  they will bring you around many of the main places of interest. you can hop off and on at the various places. You can get a one or two day pass. Also, take a trip along the coast to Malahide and its Castle. On your return to Dublin, try to go by Balgriffin, and if you check out on the Internet, you may be able to arrange a visit to the most amazing Church in Ireland. It is called St Doulagh's. It has to be seen to be believed. Enjoy your trip, Slan leat a Chairde.

  5. Prepare to dress in layers. The Irish say if you don't like this weather wait 15 minutes and it will change. Dublin is a great walking town although its' bus service is great. People will always be willing to give directions and answer questions. BEWARE, an Irishman will give you an answer or directions even if he does not know the answer, not trying to be funny just the way they are.

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