
Going to GP for self harm help

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hi, i'm going to my GP tomorrow for self harm help, i was just wondering if anyone can tell me what sort of things she'll ask, what i should ask, if i'll get referred somewhere else? i'm not even sure why i'm going or what i'm looking for, so i have no idea what to say, any help or advice?




  1. I don't know whether she will ask you why, as there are two schools of thought.  Some people say they wish people would ask them why they do it, others say if they knew why then they wouldn't do it.

    I'm sure your GP will ask you about the distress/events that bring on the self-harm.  She may want to know about your mood and ways of coping. They may ask about your wish/feelings to die.  Possibly they may ask about your motivation to help yourself, but you will work that out anyway with whoever she refers you to. Please try and mention any bad experiences you have had.

    Well done on approaching your GP.

  2. tpa is right - ask for the referral and follow up before you end up really hurting yourself. Be very honest about your feelings and urges to get the most out of it.

  3. It's a start, you should probably ask to be referred to a therapist they can better help you than a GP, GP's have very minimal psychiatric training.  

  4. It is very likely that your GP will ask questions like what you do, might ask to see your injuries/ scars so from a medical point of view (s)he can ensure they aren't infected, and they might ask why, what support you have around you etc. They will then probably refer you to a pyschologist or psychiatrist. It is a relatively painless experience compared with what I expected.

    Good luck

  5. I went to the GP about my self harming. He asked to look and 'examined' it. He asked me when i last did it and if i had thought about suicide and whether i was planning on harming myself in the next few days. He was lovely. He referred me to a psychiatric nurse for assessment, i was placed on anti depressants and saw a clinical psychologist regularly (and my GP for check ups)

    If it wasnt for my GP - i dont know where id be now but i certainly wouldnt be where i am

    good luck and try to be honest, it ll do you alot of good :)

  6. I went for the same problem and they referred me to a counciller. i remember questions like 'how often', 'what makes u do it', ' is it a relief' and are u feeling suicidal. U should not hold anything back that u want to ask, they just want too find the root of the problem so u can cope in a different way. U wont be expected to ask anything anyway.

    Good Luck

  7. firstly your brave asking for help from your gp! there are loads of ppl with the same problem who are afraid to so well done!

    if you want you can bring a friend with you. i did and she helped loads!

    youll probly get transfered to see a counciler. just tell him you self harm and your looking for a way to stop... he will understand

    he might ask to see them but wont force you if you dont want to show them!

    good luck!

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