
Going to Guatemala this summer, what should I know about the country?

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How's the food?

Have you been there?




  1. Beautiful country. Great food. There are a lot of foods similar to Mexico except for the spicy part. Most of Guatemalans eat the food spicy but the spice gets added by you on your plate.

    When in Rome do like the Romans. There are a lot of great restaurants but if you really want to discover the taste of Guatemala, eat where the masses eat (except Micky D's). Guatemala has a diverse climate. You can go from cold(45-55)  in the uplands to 70's in Guatemala city. If yo go down to the coast (escuintla, suchi, reu) you'll find it in the high 80's and 90's.

    DO NOT DRINK THE WATER. Ask for no ICE also. That's what GALLO is made for.


  2. Avoid iced drinks/tap water, coffee, sushi, salads, fruits you haven't peeled yourself. I would avoid salsa, or guacamole. Drink only bottled water, beer or canned drinks. Steak, stews, well-cooked veggies are fine.  Fruits like mangoes, papayas, and pineapple are great, make sure you peel yourself.

    I had ice cream and ceviche, and I paid for it. You can get a severe intestinal infection if you are careless about what you eat. I did. I lived there, came back to visit 2-3 times, so take precautions. You are visiting a developing country.

    Take amoxycillin with you just in case you start getting any symptoms.

    Go to Antigua (old capital city), visit the volcano but with a trusted guide (as there can be robberies), visit Tikal (ruins in the north rainforest, take a plane for a day trip, or stay in Flores), don't miss Atitlan (lake surrounded by volcanoes, beautiful sight), go to the central market in the Guatemala city, and haggle with the locals any chance you get for arts and crafts (gems, necklaces, handmade crafts for kitchen or home/textiles).   If you have extra time, some of the other places like Chiquimula, you can get there through Rutas Orientales, $4, for 4 hr bus trip. one way.  We stay at Hotel Hernandez across the plaza, about $8-10.

    and be safe, don't display money or jewelry, and use common sense (don't walk around by yourself after dark).  Travel with someone else, or with a group of people.  

    If taking a taxi, ask first how much you'll be charged.  For getting around, take the buses the locals use (much cheaper, $4 vs $40-50 for some tour).  To see more of the country, you can go to Puerto Barrios (5 hrs trip) on Litegua, the luxury bus line for about $8-10 one-way, to see the influence of the caribbean.  I wouldn't stay in Barrios but in Quehueche (take the boat to Livingston). Quehueche has an environmentally friendly rooms across the beach.

    have fun!

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