
~*~Going to High School that none of my friends are going and i know NOONE!?~*~?

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I am starting high school on September 2nd and i used to live right beside Brampton Centennial Secondary School (high school) and i was going there. All of my brothers and sisters went there and alll of my friends are going there. But we moved last summer and now i am live beside Heartlake Secondary School .I know noone that is going there and i am pretty scared for the first day and making friends. Can you please give me tips for high school, words of advice and just overall encouragement. :( Thank you so much for your help! :D




  1. ♥☆ HEY KIDDO ♥☆

    Well well well my 'lil's soooo cute that ur going to high school and not knowing how to make friends.....but insterad of asking yahoo ppl....just ask ur family....and mainly ur sis she knows EVERYTHING ^__^ HA HA HA ...Yup yup !

    ♥☆ Welll....i guess i should say good luck eh ...sooo eh !  

  2. don't worry. u'll make friends. just be friendly and talk to people when you hav a chance. for instance, if someone sits next to u in a class, try to come up with a question or comment. i worried about the same problem last year! i had to go to a completely different school then everyone else, but u'll start making friends so dont worry!

  3. kay well just be yourself ( i know thats not what you want to hear...but it works)

    sit beside someone new in all of ur classes and talk to them. ask them their name and ask them how their summer went.

    talk to the ppl by ur locker. and sit beside someone new at lunch. this way you'll get ot know more ppl and those ppl obvs have friends as well so talk to them and eventually u'll be friends with alot of ppl :)

    dont stress and DONT BE SHY. cuz if ur gonna be shy then u'll get stuck sitting in the hallways at lunch and talking to the nerds..and no-one wants to be a social outcast...

    think positively :) if u feel as if ur going to have a great year. then u will :) and make sure u do good in school. that way the teachers like you too :)

    good luck and im sure that u'll do great :)  

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