
Going to Mexico Alone...have you done it?

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Basically my friend was suppose to go but can't anymore because of emergency and noone else is available so i think I'm just going to go alone. Now i dont know I've never spent a whole week by myself on vacation...what would I do? I know relax...but what this a good idea? Also...i see the weather and it doesnt look so good for when I'm suppose to be says "showers"..its as if I shouldnt be going or something..but I've been planning this for over a month and my friend just told me yesterday that she can't go. SO WHAT WOULD YOU Do?




  1. Definitely go. I'm a woman and obvious gringa and  have traveled many places in Mexico alone, including driving from Texas to San Miguel de Allende alone. I have never had a problem. Listen to the above advice about using logic and good  common sense.

    Also, you did not say w here you are going. Mexico is a hug country. Where I live, in San Miguel de  Allende, there are literally thousands of single gringa women living and loving it. They walk the streets alone, travel alone, ride long-distance buses alone--no problem.

    In Mexico City, they DO, in fact, have separate buses for women only. It began a few weeks ago and is very popular with Mexican women. There have been Ladies Only subway cars for years--a good idea, because the subway is very crowded and you WILL be groped there.

    But if you use common sense, you will have no problems and have a great vacation.

    Have fun.

  2. I am an Americn woman living alone in Mexico, and I know many others who live and travel in Mexico alone without problems.  Use good common sense...don't flash money or jewelry , or go to bars alone at nite, or dress like a hooker...just good common sense behavior.  You will probably meet other Americans at your resort...use your common sense with them too.  But DO come...behave confidently, enjoy some peace, and make acquaintances with other vacationers.

  3. Go for it! Just exercise any precautions you would use anywhere and you will be safe.  We live in Mazatlan full-time and I have visited several cities by myself (and yes, I am a very obvious gringa) and never felt ill at ease.  Diffrent transit sytems for men and women????-- I don't know what that dude is smoking.

  4. I would go .... I went with my sister one time and I think i would have gotten in to more trouble alone...She had to teach me the rules ....We both had fun ,,bartered for things we didn't need. and came home safe and didn't end up in jail....

    I would go alone ,,,but be careful ..It isn't like being in the USA .They are more strict about some things and they don't let you talk your way out of things,..They want your money too...I am only going by experience..I hope I am wrong for most parts..Depends where you are staying too...HAVE FUN ,Stay safe.Any vacation is better to go than to stay home even if it is alone ..(thats my opion)

  5. Go, have a good time. Lots of things to do. I live alone in Mexico and it seems I'm always busy. Pay attention to your surroundings, don't get drunk and stupid, dress modestly. Raining in northern Baja right now, but a day in one of many spas here would be a treat. Sunny weather expected in a few days.

  6. no, and I won't.

    a woman should never travel to Mexico alone.  Canada maybe, but not Mexico.  others may say that they have done it and nothing bad happened to them, but just think:  what are you going to do if something bad DOES happen?

    plus, if they put you in jail for anything, they don't ever have to let you go.  think about that.

    not a good idea.


    No one has yet disputed my assertion about Mexican jails.  Again, think carefully...

  7. Be careful female homicide/kidnap rates are high in certain areas of Mexico and the men are infamous for groping and harassing women, they have separate transit for the different sexes now even.  And they will know if you are American at a glance

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