
Going to Mexico City...?

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o.k I'm going to mexico city...i speak fluent spanish and i look like this:

do you think that because of my image i may be target to tourist hate or crime??




  1. Hey I´m also heading for Mexico city on my own next Tuesday. Everyone is worried about me by telling me stories about Mexican crimes etc... So I'm a little nervous, however Mexico City attracts many tourists and people who go especially to live there so I'm sure it will be fine. If you want to get together sometime when you are there this is my email address

  2. You're going to have trouble as much as if you were in New York, Paris or Barcelona.

    In order to not have trouble here in México City, you must not go to dangerous places, if you're going to stay in a hotel check what the concierge will tell you of where to go and where not to go.

    I live in Mexico City, and gladly I can answer you any doubts you might have!!

  3. Hahaha!!! You're so funny, well you said that you have fluent spanish ok lets see if you understand the mexican spanish.

    Yo soy de la ciudad de Mexico y te puedo decir que si es una ciudad insegura, pero yo vivi ahi durante 27 anos de mi vida teniendo un trabajo en el que andaba mucho en la calle y nunca sufri de un asalto, yo me trasladaba en un buen coche y usaba buena ropa y tambien tengo un lindo aspecto fisico, y nunca me paso nada, por lo que pueden ser presa de los ladrones los turistas no es por ser turistas, sino porque no saben como cuidarse, mi mama vino de la ciudad de Mexico a visitarme en Londres y dos veces la robaron!! asi que por eso no te preocupes, solo ten cuidado de tomar taxis autorizados, nosotros les llamamos de sitio, no andes sola por las noches, no vayas a lugares oscuros y no carges alajas ostentosas, ni traigas todo tu dinero contigo, ni todas tus tarjetas de credito, por lo demas no te preocupes, es una hermosa cuidad y la vas a disfrutar muchisimo. Te recomiendo que vayas al restaurante Bellini esta en el World Trade Centre hasta arriba, es giratorio y puedes ver toda la ciudad, es muy lindo

  4. You'll blend pretty well with the locals don't worry.

  5. May be the men are going you tell you "mamacita" just dont wear something provocative

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