
Going to Milan?

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I'm going to Milan next month. But I'm half SIcilian. Do I say to them I'm half Sicilian.. Do they like SICILIANS?




  1. hei!!!

    i live in milan and i don't know what you've heard about us...

    you could even say you're from bangladesh and nobody will do you wrong!

    many people from sicilia live here, work and go to school or university.

    don't be ashamed!

    we will welcome you.

  2. don't worry

    if you're a good person they'll love you

  3. You better stick around saying you are American 1/2 Sicilian!!! ( better yet 1/2 Italian)

    As you may already know... many Northeners and Southeners don't like each other.......

  4. There are prejudices that the North have against the South. The truth as I see it is that the North is jealous of people from the South and so they've created myths... people from the South are schemers, lazy, mafiosi, loud, easy to corrupt.

    Avoid conflict and say that you are American - even though you may carry a typically Sicilian last name. If anyone makes a comment on your last name don't shy away about having a Sicilian last name - be proud of it.

    PS - avoid the American Hotel in Milan. The owner is a vulgar man.

    Everyone should know that people from the south of Italy weren't the only Italians who emigrated. There were many many from the north of Italy who left too. That is to say that  the US is not full of Italians from Sicily and Calabria but from Piedmont and Frill too.

    You may hear snide comments from some in the north... just like you would hear them if you were from Texas and visiting Boston.

    If you are going for work I would suggest you not being so chummy with the people who work for you and be absolutely formal with your colleagues. try to break the ice with your colleagues but treat the people who work for you with formal respect. The wok place in Italy has unwritten rules that are much much different than we have in the States.

    PS - It isn't totally true that Northerners and Southerns do not like each other. What is true instead is that the mother's of cretins are always pregnant.
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