
Going to Paris Soon, I have a few questions...?

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I might be going to Paris over the spring vacation (April 2 to 9th) probably. What hotel should I stay at? (Clean, good service, Not too expensive since I will be staying a week). What airline should I go (I heard air france gives you a taste of french with good food) but it seems too expensive since I am planning to use one of expedias vacation packages such as this one:

the third one down

would that be a good hotel + airline?

Also I am not very good at french (Ok more like I have no idea how to speak french) I know a few easy phrases but I am pretty sure I will not be able to communicate with anyone... unless they speak english too.




  1. The hotel I usually stay at is the Hotel St. Andre Des Artes at 66 rue St. Andre Des Artes in the 6th arrondissement. Its in the center close to almost everything andf in a very lively area filled with cafes, convivial bars, music venues, and restaurants.

    A single runs 66 euros a night with breakfast and a double is 85.

    You'll see that the online deals generally aren't as cheap and when they are the hotels are often in the more remote areas of Paris or the suburbs.

    Its better to speak French than not to in Paris but the fact is that English is widely spoken and certainly almost everyone in the hospitality industry will speak at least a little English.  so don't worry about it.

    A week is an adequate amount of time to see most of the famous tourists sights. At a minimum you ought to see:

    1) Eiffel tower

    2) Arc de Triomphe

    3) Notre Dame

    4) Sacre Coeur

    5) Conciergerie

    6) Champs elysee

    7) Luxembourg Gardens

    8) Tuilleries Gardens

    9) Invalides

    10) Sainte Chapelle

    And then the major museums:

    1) Louvre

    2) Musee D'Orsay

    3) Cluny Museum

    4) Centre Pompidu

  2. Hi. Go to, and check out the grafitti wall. You will find all kinds of great tips for your trip, esp. read the tourist scam alert category. Pack light.

    I've stayed at the Hotel LaSerre, and Hotel Leveque. I recommend Leveque, but by now you should have your hotel. Also try the Marais district.

    Language tips: you will be FINE as long as you show you are TRYING. Always use Please (s'il vous plait) and Thank you (merci, merci beaucoup) all the time. The French are a very forgiving people! Whenever you go into a store, look at the person behind the register or a salesperson and say hello, it is customary. Good day is bonjour, good evening is bonsoir. Practice before you go, it's really not hard. Also learn basic number one through ten, it might help with money.

    The Rick Steves site is the best, also go get his book. I was there for five weeks alone and never had a problem!

  3. go to and enter Paris for the city.  You'll find out absolutely everything you ever wanted to know from people who have stayed there, ate there, toured there, etc.

    There are direct links to check hotel prices. There are restaurant recommendations and even details on how to get around on public transport.

  4. Buy a book with commonly used phrases and always try to say good morning, good evening , please and thank you in French.  If you show them you're trying they'll be much more helpful.  Pull out the phrase book and point out what your subject is.  

    I don't speak French but I've been there twice and I love it.  Go with the flow and accept that things will be different.  Don't be rude regardless of how you think they may be.  Laugh at yourself and they'll love you for your attempts to speak their language.

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