
Going to Romania in a week?

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i ama 17 year old girl going to Romania for three weeks to help out in a day centre for children who are living in extreme poverty. I have never been to Romania or anywhere in Eastern Europe so i was just wondering what it is like there and what kind of clothes i should bring as i am going at the end of february to the middle of march. And if there are any different customs there that i should be aware of.




  1. I am 75% romanian and i hope I know what i am talking about. My family is preety much all romanian so i have some knowledge on the subject. Pack warm clothes beacause the wheater is similar to ours. The hotels are nice and the people are very hospitable and genarally nice. The food is good and is not all vegtables sure there may be some soups or dishes you may not like but if you arereally picky there is Mcdonalds everywhere and fast food. They have recently entered the E.U so their ting to make a name for themselves so they are going to try and look their best.

  2. In this time of the year in Romania it is quite cold... around 7-10 degrees Celsius. It is better for you to wear warm clothes. About the customs... it is common to say "Hi!" (Salut! or Buna! in Romanian) to people that you know and kiss on both cheeks people that you consider your friends.

    When you first meet a Romanian person we shake hands and present our names.

    Moreover, it is considered impolite to refuse a home cooked meal. Romanian traditional food includes a lot of meat (especially pork meat), but you can find vegetarian food as well.

    Here you can find a diary about a person that traveled to Romania to help children:

  3. we have long and cold winters, u should bring warm clothes... read CIA factbook about romania, and you can find more info also on wikipedia. some criticize Romania but forget to look around in their own country, nice and bad people can be found everywhere....  wich city you go?

  4. Housing is poor, heating is poor (for the most part) and the food...well I hope you're a vegetarian.  If not you probably will become one.  Transportation is also not the best.  The country is improving but still behind others in europe.  Everyone I know who went mentioned the above and most are not fond of returning.  So pack some warm clothes and take a sleeping bag for your own comfort at nite unless you get a decent place to stay

    Enjoy your visit.

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