
Going to Russia as a translator with anyone?

by  |  earlier

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where can i submit that i can take a person or even a group of people to Russia (as a translator) if they pay for my ticket?




  1. I know this isn't answering my question, but if you do find a way to do that, could you please contact me? Spasibo bol'shoe!

  2. Require at Russian Embassy.

  3. Perhaps you should look in the newspaper where you live for travel agencies that offer package tours of Russia and inquire with the agency about this. Another thought might be to take out an ad in the Moscow Times. This is an English language newspaper, the biggest of its kind in Russia. If you listed your ad under services it might get some attention.

  4. hey if you get some people to do that for you and you decide not to go, contact me i wanna do that too!

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