
Going to Spain,Need Some advice !?

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Im 16, and this summer my friend invited to me spain for 18 days ,were staying with her grandma somewhere near portugal, The thing is ive never been out of america (except mexico), Is there anything i should be warned about before going, could i get sick from something, anything i must bring?, I really wanna go and im excited, just a little nervous for the 8 hr plane ride and going somewhere i never been with alot of people i never met,Oh and how much money should i bring?? Thanks =)




  1. Hi! I'm from Spain.

    Spain is a very developed country (It's the eighth or ninth largest economy in the world, and one of the most developed countries in Europe), with good infrastructures and services. The cuisine is awesome and people mostly friendly. I'm agree with the "siestas", we love them!! We spend a lot of time having lunch or dinner, because is very usual to talk long time after we have lunch or dinner, and then, the famous siesta. But a very good thing about my country is that it is very crowded and bussy in most cities, so, most cities aren't boring, but very lively, especially at night!!! We love going out with friends, to spend time out of home, and to going to clubs and discos!!

    Just one bad thing: we speak english very bad, altough you probably haven't any problem in big cities. Spaniards aren't good at foreign languages, but nevertheless, we're friendly, so, most people will try to understand you and to help you.

    Have a nice trip!!

  2. As long as you speak Spanish you should be ok, Spain is very much a modern country with all the amenities of America. You will be fine to drink the water and eat the food (can't be more deadly than Mexico). Remember that in Barcelona they speak Catalan as well as Spanish. Also, the Spanish tend to take long siestas during the day which might be frustrating when you need to get something done.

    Depending on when you go you should visit Pamplona for the Bull run. Defintiely visit the region of Andalucia which is amazing. You can get cheap flights to Spain from the UK from Ryanair and also i advise booking your accommodation before you go or you might find yourself walking around all day to get one, i recommend VivaStay for this as they've got good accommodation for cheap rates.

    Remember to bring a guide book and plan well your trips around as the transport service can be a pain.

    All the best luck


  3. You'll be just fine. Learn a few Spanish phrases. Don't try and learn the language just for a short holiday. Whatever you want to say, just keep it very simple. Even if you learn more I doubt you'd understand the reply you get.

    Spain is a great country to visit or to live. I'm from the UK but live in Spain and this country is way ahead of the UK in many respects. The health service here is better than the UK. I would bring a few hundred dollars worth of Euros. If you are staying with friends you shouldn't need a great deal.

    Furthermore, I doubt your flight will only be 8 hours. Nearer 10 or 12 at a guess depending on where you are flying from.

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