
Going to Spain for a bit, where could i work?

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whats a common job in Spain...something outdoorsy?




  1. I lived in Spain the year it was provisionally admitted to the EC, so things are different now.  I supported myself teaching English with a language academy.  I went to Turner's Books in Madrid (down the street from the Plaza de Colón) where there was a billboard where people would advertize teaching jobs.  One thing led to another and I taught English to Spanish business executives.  It's not outdoorsy as such, but I was able to set my own schedule and wasn't trapped in a classroom all day.

  2. Most people that come from the UK work in bars or building, claiming to have at least  25 years experience in the trade, it's not that easy to make a living in Spain unless you have good qualifications, however, good luck!

  3. Do you speak Spanish and German?  This will help you to do something like working for a car hire firm.  Certainly your best hope is to be on the Costas during the holiday season, but there will be an awful lot of people like you wanting to do the same.  Not easy to find work abroad, believe me.

  4. Having lived in Spain for some time unless you have a specific skill you could try bar work,field work,selling/sales,building work ,,but they are all hard to come by,,but make sure you are legally covered whilst working there,,it will cost you about 240 euros / month but allows you to work legally,,,

  5. If you're not EU, I would suggest getting involved in some sort of exchange program, there must be some programs that specialize in, say, the National Parks or camping, or guiding hiking tours.  Try CIEE and EF, though I think they both concentrate on Aupair and educational-type jobs.

    A program like these will help you with all the logistics, from housing to work visas, otherwise, you're completely on your own and/or have to work illegally.  

    If you're from a European Union country, the work visa part doesn't exist, I understand, so you can just get a job wherever you can get hired.

  6. It´s gonna be hard...

  7. A good, but low paid, outdoorsy job is touting. Giving out flyers on the street and beaches. Getting people into clubs and pubs. I did it for a couple of years. Like I said, money's c**p but loads of f***y and drugs.

  8. pool cleaner :)

  9. at the moment work is hard to find unless you have the gift of the gab as all there is, is telesales. come begining of April jobs will start to open up in maintainance and bar work

  10. There is no common job in Spain. If you don't speak the language you will be limited to working for a Brit company, probably illegally and on very low wages. Spain, just like most other EU countries is struggling at the moment so work is hard to come by, think seriously how much money you need to earn to cover accomodation, health care - if you're working illegally - and general day to day living expenses.

    Spain is no longer the cheap country it used to be and in the Summer the inspectors from the Ministry of Work have a field day on the Costas checking out Brit bars, so be careful or you could find yourself with a huge fine and no job!

  11. What's a common job in England? Spain is a country just like any other. There is every type of job that there is in any other country.

    What are you good at? Start from there.

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