
Going to Spinelli Barracks in Mannheim, Germany?

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I'm going to Germany and am Flying into Frakfurt. I am visiting a friend in the army and she is located at the Spinelli Barracks in Mannheim. She told me if I go to the USO at the airport they can get me a shuttle to take me to the barracks. Am I going to need anything to get into the base? Will I even need anything to get the shuttle? If I'm not able to do this can anyone give me any alternatives?




  1. Make sure you bring enough money, because even the USO shuttle will not take you, or they won't have enough room. Bring about 50-80 Euros just in case. If you cannot catch a shuttle, take the train (Haupt Bahnhof, if you cannot find this, the people there speak English, ask "English, bitte." first.) to Mannheim.

    If you are staying more than a few days an you are going to be on post on all of those, it is best to go to IACS, if not your friend can just sign you in and out everyday, but to stay on post, you'll have to get a temporary pass at IACS, located in Heidelberg,Germany, your friend will know where this is.

    Good luck and hope you visit the Heidelberg Christmas Market (That's the best one!)

  2. I'm not sure the USO shuttle bus take you to do Spinelli Barracks to Mannheim. I think you need to have ID Card.

    Also your friend need to pick you up at the gate, because ID Card check.

    Another alternative is you take the train (under the Airport is the train station) to Mannheim and take taxi from Mannheim train station to the Spinelli Barracks.

    From the Airport to Mannheim is just 30-40 Minutes with the train.

    Look at check the times from the train, and you see the prices also.

    Just let your friend know about all that, she can pick you up at the train station or at the gate.

    So have a nice trip. Mannheim is a nice place. I mean the whole Germany is nice.

    I'm a military spouse and we are in the Bavarian area.

  3. Mannheim is about an hour to an hour-and-a-half south of Frankfurt, and I wasn't aware that the USO was running a shuttle just to Mannheim, since there are many other posts and barracks in the area--Wiesbaden, Heidelberg, Hanau, Baumholder, Bamberg, Friedberg, Kaiserslautern, Bad Kreuznach, Landstuhl, and others farther away.  To get on to ANY Army or Air Force post in Germany you need a valid Department of Defense ID card, or be escorted by a cardholder with a valid DoD ID.  If the USO doesn't operate a shuttle to Mannheim, you can take a train directly from the Frankfurt Airport, since the Frankfurt Airport is also a major trainstop.  Head down to the train platform (Frankfurt Flughaven Bahnhof) and see which trains can take you to Mannheim.  The DB (Die Bahn) office there can help you figure it out if you're not sure how to read the schedule; they always speak English.  If you don't already have Euro with you, be sure to bring a debit card with a Mastercard/Visa logo on it, so that you can either buy the ticket with it directly or use it to withdraw the necessary cash from a Geldautomat (ATM).  Bear in mind that cash is usually the preferred accepted monetary format in most of Europe.

    I might also suggest--if your military friend has a car--to ask her to just come and pick you up herself.  It doesn't cost that much to park at the Frankfurt Airport, having done it many times myself, and it's a 45-minute to 1-hour drive from Mannheim/Heidelberg to Frankfurt.

    If you need further guidance or suggestions I'd be happy to help.

  4. yeah, they won't let you in without military ID or your friend signing you in. Your friend should know that.

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