
Going to Switzerland... purchase watch there before$?? is it cheap?

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i'm from singapore, Going to Switzerland... purchase watch there. I

s it cheap there? anyone from singapore buy tagheuer watch b4 in switerland? or other brand? how much chaeper?




  1. No, watches are not cheaper in CH. Nothing is cheap in CH. It is one of the most expensive countries in Europe.

  2. Buy them in Singapore - no joke! Or in Hong Kong! Or in Bangkok! In Switzerland, you can't bargain like in the Far East. The best buys for Swiss watches I ever did myself was exactly in these towns, believe me!

  3. No, anything will not be cheaper in Switzerland because it's one of the mos, if not the most expensive country in Europe. Tag Heuer wouldn't be cheaper especially, anything to do with watches will not be cheaper.

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