
Going to Vegas with my hole punched revoked VA I.D and no other Valid I.D...HELP!?

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I'm going to Las Vegas for a friend's wedding on Friday. I'm 23 and got my license revoked due to a DUI in college before moving to California. Passport and student I.D are expired. I don't think I look underage, but I remember 50 year olds being carded randomly.

I'm not planning on gambling although my fiancee, and our friends are so I want to still be with them. I do however plan on drinking and attending a few clubs, hence why I need to know what to do. The last thing I want to do is cart around dozens of legal papers explaining why I have no license, its humiliating enough, and something I really don't want to share with the world. I'll also be with my fiancee (27) and a group of friends ages 24-34, so I figure they'd be smart enough to put two and two together?

I'm originally from VA, and the DMV there let me keep my revoked I.D but they hole punched it right on my exp. date, lovely i know. I go out to bars, clubs, lounges, events LA all the time with no issue, just a question once in awhile.

Do you think I'll be okay with my I.D (which would still be valid with out the DUI). I'll have all of the credit, bank, and personal business cards they could ever want to see on me at all times, so am I being paranoid or will they give me a really hard time?

Or has technology gotten to the point where they can run my I.D and have it automatically say REVOKED or DUI so I don't have to explain anything??

Please let me know because this weekend is meant to be relaxing and this I.D thing is pretty annoying although I completely understand why they do it.

I'd really appreciate constructive and non-judgmental answers instead of mindless, rude, pointless and egotistical opinions( I criticize myself a ton already don't worry). Thank you in advance!





  1. As the first guy said Vegas is pretty strict about the whole ID thing. Even if one is well of age they can hassle you about it. And if they have the slightest doubt they will tell you to leave. The law is that your ID has to be valid in regard to gambling and liquor laws. You are still in a place that serves liquor.

    And yes if they pressed the point they have the technology to access databases to see revoked in a heart beat. You might get away with it but you did say you did not wish to face embarassment.

    Just go to DMV and get a state ID.  

  2. You can go to the DMV and get a photo ID card.

    I've been to Vegas, and they are pretty strict with IDs, and you need to be 21 to be present in a casino, even if you are not drinking. You also need to be 21 to book a room.  

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