
Going to a destination wedding, reception seating help!!!???

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Ok I'm travelling to a destination wedding with my husband next week, but he is in the wedding party and I'm not(he has been friends with the groom for way longer than I've even known him) and I don't even know the bride or anyone else at the wedding other than my hubby and the an occasional hi to the groom. So basically I don't know anyone!!! and he is going to be with the wedding party the whole time even for dinner, anyone have suggestions on how to deal with this???

I'm friendly but tend to be very shy around ppl I don't know. Oh and it's in another country so I don't even know if the ppl at the wedding speak english!!! I'm nervous about being alone even during the ceremony and appearing ackward to everyone else...




  1. Well I think if it's in another country and the couple marrying speak some English then you will find others speaking English.  Actually you may find yourself very popular because they will want to practice their English by speaking with you.

    I say go there with an open mind to learn about the country/people that live there and you will have an amazing time.  Have a glass of wine that should help you relax and then just ask questions about their country you will learn so much you might not even notice your hubby isn't there.

    Have fun!

  2. The nice thing about weddings - people (at least the guests) seem to be very congenial.  Just smile and nod and try to enjoy yourself.  It won't last forever.  Try to focus on the fact that you might be going to a country you have never seen, to a wedding that might be a different tradition - things that lots of people never see!

    I feel your pain - I'm also shy in situations like this.  

    Have fun!

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