
Going to a glbt support group help?

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ok i was emailing a my friends sister awhile ago and she said she would go with me to a glbt support group since i hate being g*y and i am to embarrass to go by myself. she said when she comes back she would come with. so i emailed her if she still go with me but she never replied. i asked her since my Friend is very busy and she in college but her sister now home that's why i ask her.




  1. Going to a glbt support group is a great idea.  There will be other people there who probably wished they were straight just like you do.  Some of them might still wish they could change who they are.  It's always helpful to know people who are struggling with the same things you are.  You're not alone, that's for sure!

  2. You CAN'T change it. There's nothing wrong with being g*y, don't hate it

  3. Go by yourself.  The people would not be there if they were not accepting of g*y people.  You have nothing to be afraid of.  It is not like going to a horror movie.  These are just regular people, and likely g*y.  Who knows, you might even meet someone good looking you can go out with.

  4. if you're going to the support group for emotional support, then great - regardless of the motivation. be aware, that trying to change who you are, may induce more stress.

    if you cannot attend by yourself, then a first step would be to get an alternative support-buddy to help, in case the primary cannot attend.

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